10: where they cook

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where they cook

They were going on a date.

Which was what Rose had called it when Hwan had told her that he couldn't hang out with her Tuesday afternoon. He was going to spend it with Kalen at his place.

"Ah!" she had exclaimed, and Hwan had had to move the phone away from his ear to avoid turning deaf. "Hwan is going on a date!"

A date. Hwan was going on a date.

With Kalen.

Which wasn't how he had thought of it if he had to be honest. Kalen had told him that he could make a "real nice veggie lasagna" when he took his time with it and Hwan had muttered that he'd love to try it, partly thinking that Kalen hadn't heard him. He had and then proceeded to invite him to his place so he could prove it and Hwan had, without thinking about it, nodded, and replied that he would if Kalen wanted him to.

Hwan hadn't admitted that he wanted to.

They were just going to sit in Kalen's kitchen, with Kalen making lasagna and Hwan trying his best to keep a conversation going for longer than five minutes (even though Kalen had never had a problem with having to start a new one when one died out) so, no, Hwan hadn't thought of it as a date.

He chose that he didn't mind it being one if Kalen was okay with it, too.

Especially, if Kalen already thought of it as one.

When he sat on a bench outside of an elementary school, waiting for Kalen's class to end, Hwan realized that he hoped Kalen thought it was a date.

And he blamed Rose for it (but not really).

Hwan turned his head to see a ton of children leaving the building and among them, was Kalen, talking with one of the students who had wild red hair and probably missed his front teeth.

Hwan was about to stand up, going to meet him in the middle when he watched him crouch down in front of the red-haired boy who had put his shoe on display. From where Hwan sat, he could clearly see that Kalen was tying his shoe and then got a hug in return for the favor.

Hwan couldn't help imagining Kalen saying yes to tying the boy's shoe, but only if he gave him a hug in return. It didn't seem like the boy minded.

When Kalen stood, he scanned the area even though he had told Hwan not to wait for him. Sometimes, it took longer than expected, he had explained, so he would instead text him when he was done. Hwan was happy that he had come anyway.

Kalen's eyes quickly landed on Hwan who was still uncomfortably looking over his shoulder to keep his eyes on the substitute teacher. He smiled at him and said something to the student who instantly looked Hwan's way, waving at him. Hwan hesitantly waved back, and the kid spoke to Kalen before he ran off, following most of the other students in the opposite direction of Hwan.

Because Hwan was still sitting when Kalen came around, Kalen sat down beside him and without missing a heartbeat, turned to Hwan as he grinned, "Did you wait for me?"

And Hwan couldn't help rolling his eyes. "You already made that joke. Twice."

Kalen pulled his eyebrows together in confusion, but he was still smiling. "It's not a joke. I'm just asking you if you did." He gently nudged Hwan with his elbow and Hwan's heart exploded. "So, did you?"

Hwan turned his head to fully look at Kalen, but the sight was everything Hwan had ever expected and more. Kalen's scar on his cheek was even more visible in daylight and so was his acne spot and he just looked really good with the smile he allowed Hwan to bask in, it almost seemed wrong.

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