The dream

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THIS STORY WILL NOT USE FAN NAMES, HUMANS, FAN GENDERS, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. SO NO "MANNY, HARRY, ROBIN, OR PAIGE". The only canon names are sketchbook, tony, Roy, and shrignold, so don't even bug me!
Humans in my opinion really suck and take away actual personalities. So now that that's out of the way, enjoy the story!

"Meh meh meh meh!" The nasty noise rang in your ears for hours upon hours after watching that stupid video.
"Maybe a little nap will help..." You thought as your eyes slowly shut. You drifted into a deep deep sleep.
The entire dream was just a reddish triangle. The triangle slowly, but surely grew two eyes and a mouth. Then at the end it screamed at you, loudly. Prone to loud noises, you quickly opened your eyes.
To your surprise, you were on the wall. Sitting still.
"W-where the heck am I!?" You screamed, In a slightly British accent, looking around.

A walk in another persons shoes... A dhmis story. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now