Lets be nice!

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A very loud, long scream escaped from your mouth. When it ended creaking noises, 3 to be exact, occurred.
Suddenly, a little yellow boy popped in to the bathroom.
"You woke the whole house up, tony. Are you ok?" He asked in a shaky voice
"Uh oh.. Well tell them I'm sorry, ok? I need to find a way to get-" you said until you quickly thought "wait, he doesn't know I'm not that clock thing" so you stopped.
"Huh?" The little boy asked.
"Never mind that, now scurry along!" You said fast while pushing the boy away quickly.
He walked into his room.
"Now that I'm a clock, I'm gonna be super nice." You agreed in your mind.

A walk in another persons shoes... A dhmis story. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now