Eggs and bacon, rude awaken

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You walked into the kitchen, since there was no use in going to bed as you were wide awake. You were super hungry. You opened the fridge door and cool air misted over your face.
"Aahhhh..." You said, as the air chilled your face and brought sense back to you a little. You scanned the contents of the refrigerator, and found a nice cake that had drips of red frosting that spelled out "let's get creative!".
"Cute." You thought in your head. You cut a big piece without looking and took a big bite. You immediately spit it out all over the walls. The red frosting was blood! And the insides were filled to the brim with guts and body parts! The taste was of copper pennies.
"I knew there was something off about this house!" You whispered to yourself while trying to get the unpleasant meal out of your mouth. After cleaning the mess you had made, you threw away the absurd cake.

" I need a proper breakfast. Maybe I'll make some for the nice fellows here at this house, " you thought. "Yes, that is exactly what I shall do." You opened the fridge and found 4 eggs, for four omelets. You sort of remembered 3 people in the video, and the sketchbook who you awoke an hour ago. You started frying the eggs on a pan, and then got another pan and some pancake mix. You set them down. You finished the omelets and them put them all on four plates, making a mini one for the sketchbook.
"Might as well take the extras." You thought eating a small piece. You didn't know how hungry you were until you ate that omelet you made. You were cool at making omelets.
You cleaned the pan and made pancake mix. You poured a perfect circle of pancake mix.
"Awww yes." You whispered. You continued making 2 pancakes for each member of the house, of course making mini ones for the sketchbook. You topped it off with butter, whipped creme and syrup. You sat back and admired your fine work.
You started messing around with one of the forks. Suddenly you flung it into the air and it hit a plate. The smallest one! Oh no, it was sketchbooks plate! It flew into the air. You quickly try to retrieve the plate before it hits the floor, but it shattered and sticky pancake syrup dripped all over.
"What's going on?!" A soft voice said. The same soft voice of the sketchbook!
" um... Nothing..." You say, trying to hide the broken plate.
"Don't act like I didn't see that plate there when I came." They said eyeing the mess.
"Ok fine... I was making breakfast and when I finished I started messing around." You explained.
"Why were you making breakfast? I thought that you didn't like me and the trio." They asked.
"Huh?" You thought
"Ok, something's up. What's wrong with you today?" They asked looking at the perfectly made omelets and pancakes.
"You don't know how to cook, or at least you didn't." You quickly tried to think of an excuse.
"I, um, lucky guess?" You said with an extremely bad poker face.
The sketchbook looked at you with a unimpressed face. "That's really your guess?" They said while raising an eyebrow.
"Ok, tell me the truth, please." You gulped. What were you going to say?

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