Draco Malfoy: The Slytherin Puppy

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Walking out of the library, I walk down the corridors and head towards the Slytherin living quarters. 

"Pureblood," I say and walk through the opening. Stepping into the Slytherin Common room, I sigh, setting down my books at the desk, I remove my robes and set them down on a chair, before taking my own seat and continuing with my Defense Against the Dark Arts essay. 

"Y/N? You're still up?" I don't have to turn to know that voice. 


I turn slightly, sitting sideways with my legs tossed over the sides. Looking at Draco, I notice that he's already wearing his pajamas; a black long-sleeved t-shirt, and green, black, and white plaid flannel bottoms. His hair is awry and his eyes clear as day. 

He walks towards me and sits on the chair next to me. "Yeah, I'm still up, I haven't finished my Defense Against the Dark Arts homework," I say as I lay my head on his shoulder, and continue writing out my essay. 

«time skip»

"Alright, all done!" Draco lifts his head off my shoulder and yawns. "Why didn't you go to bed?" I ask him, tilting my head.

"I wanted to sit with you... I missed you a lot today, we barely got to see one another," he says, looking at his hands. Smiling, I grab his hands, "C'mon, let's get to bed, we both need this."

I guide him up the stairs and into our shared dorm room. I head to my chest of draws and pull out a pair of black shorts, and an emerald green tank top. After I change, I pull my hair into a messy bun - more messy than bun - and head over to the bed where Draco has been lying, watching me the entire time. 

"How was class today, Draco?" I lay in between his legs; with my chin on his chest, looking up at him. He pulls the hairband out of my hair and runs his fingers through my hair, gently massaging my scalp. "It wasn't the best, but okay, nonetheless. What about you?" 

I play with the hem of his shirt, gently pulling it up and over his head. Tossing it to one side, I lay back down between his legs, "Not bad, Snape had us brewing up potions that stunk, you saw the mess that most of us left behind. Divination was awkward because I was paired up with Neville." He looks down at me, "Is that why when I got to class you were seated next to him?" 

"Pretty much," I say, pulling myself up to settle my head in the crevice between his neck and shoulders. "Pansy kept irritating me throughout Quidditch practice. I swear, the girl ditches classes to watch me play Quidditch," I look at him, ready to laugh. He catches my eye, "Pardon the pun," and we both start laughing. 

"I missed you, Y/N. A lot more today than any other," Draco says, his eyes glazing over with love and admiration. I raise my head slightly from the strongly scented spot with cologne and rest my head on my hand, raised by my elbow. "I missed you more than anything in the world," I reply. 

Draco snorts, "Not possible." 

I grin, "Oh, yes, it is possible," I get up straddling his waist and start tickling him. Draco starts laughing so hard, he starts crying. "Okay! Okay! Mercyyyyyy!!" he screams while laughing. I stop and he slows the laughter down. 

"Oh, you're so going to get it for that!" He says as I pull away and off the bed. 

"Not so fast, baby boy," I say, pushing him gently, by his nose, back onto the bed. 

"I'm in charge and I didn't say to catch me," Draco flushes and hides his face. I coo at the cuteness overload and bend down to kiss his forehead. From his forehead to his nose, his cheeks, his chin, his neck, his collarbones... his shoulder and his chest. 

By the time I'm done, Draco is the darkest shade of pink I've ever seen on him. 

"Whose in charge, baby?" I ask, looking straight into his eyes and brushing his hair out of his face. 

"You are..." 

"Good boy, my Slytherin puppy." 

𝔗𝔬𝔪 𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔒𝔫𝔢-𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰 ✭Where stories live. Discover now