Part 21

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the doctor examined her.

Doctor: your health is worsening Y/N. If you kept skipping your meals and medicines like this your health will be more worse. You don't eat properly, you don't sleep properly. I am worried about your health now. Taehyung, you need to take care of her. Because she only eats properly when you feed her. She takes medicines when you are with her. She sleeps properly when you sleep in that room with her. Only you can convince her.

After complaining about her the doctor left us alone. I went close to her and held her shoulders.

Taehyung: Y/N, why are you doing this to yourself? Please I am requesting you for the 100th time now. Please take care of yourself. You don't want to listen to me that means you don't consider me as your friend. I am right I guess. Ok then, I am leaving.

I said and turned to leave but she held my hand almost trapping my heart with her gestures.

I turned only to see a crying Y/N

She hugged me catching me off guard. I didn't hug her back. She cried, resting her head on my chest, almost breaking my heart.

Y/N: please, don't leave me. I am so..sorry. I will eat properly. I will take medicines regularly. Please, Taehyung, I am scared to be alone. I will.. will do everything. I will sleep properly. Don't leave just don't leave me...

Her touch was giving shivers in my body. I was froze on my spot. Her each and every word was like piercing my heart. It was painful to see her like this. A tear dropped hearing her words. Her pleadings were ripping my heart. I shouldn't cross my limits by hugging her back but my hands were irresistible. They automatically wrapped around her arms to secure her. I couldn't express how I was feeling that time. She needed comfort. I didn't experienced this kind of skinships earlier. Then after sometimes she calm down and pulled away from the hug. She looked at my eyes with her pleading ones. I felt mad at myself for saying a lot of things to her. Why can't I see her crying ?

taehyung: hey hey, stop crying. I am not going anywhere. I will never leave you. Please Y/N don't cry..I can't see you crying.


Why was Taehyung feeling different towards her? Why was she effecting him that much. "I will never leave you" is a normal sentence but why he said it with a lot of sincerity? Why he can't see her crying? What had happened with him?


Taehyung: now , see. What I brought for you?

Y/N: what

She said with her cute yet swollen face.

Taehyung: your favourite Pizza

I said smiling to her.

Y/N: thank you Taehyung, but I am not really hungry.

She said with her expressionless face.

Taehyung: please, for me

I pouted.

Y/N: ok ok, no need to pout.

I nodded smiling and took a piece of slice on my hands and place it near her mouth. She took a bite from the piece. She was looking so cute while eating. Unintentionally I was smiling seeing her. Her mouth shapes pout whenever she eats. Just like me. I chuckled at her cuteness.

She ate the whole piece. I was satisfied seeing her eating the whole thing. I took a cloth and wiped her mouth.

Taehyung: ok come, get ready. We are going out. Get ready fast.

I said existed.

Y/N: tae, but the doctor

I was froze to hear Tae from her mouth. I was unknowingly smiling hearing her. I thought my heart would just jump out of my body.

Taehyung: I have already talked to the doctor. If we go out, you will feel better. Trust me

I assured her.

Y/N: but, how can I? What about my clothes? I can't go out in the hospital clothes.

Taehyung: I have bought clothes for you.

I took out a black dress to her. She flashed a weak smile and went to the restroom to change.

After sometime she came back wearing that dress. I swear, she was looking divine, almost taking my heart beat away. I couldn't take my eyes off her.She came close to me and my heart was about to explode due to beating faster. What is she doing to me?

Y/N: shall we go?

Taehyung: sure.

We went outside to my car.

To be continued

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