sm olympics

574 25 10

august 2016

lee soo man gives the talk

The whole group walked over for the venue they SM rented out for the olympics. The NCT members separated with them when they saw the rest of their group.

As they were walking, Sooyoung suddenly stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my gosh, I SEE HIM!"

They all turned to see what surprised her and in fact it was their Lee Soo Man Seonsaengnim.

"Why does he always look the same?" Baekhyun wonders.

"Probably because he gives everyone the same fake smile," Kyungsoo said.

"You're right! He always does that same smile!" Seungwan realizes.

"One time he was scolding me on how I don't have enough facial expressions when I dance but I couldn't help but notice as he was scolding me, he had that same smile on his face," Sooyoung said.

Minseok nods, "He does that face when he yells at us. He does that face when he compliments us. This is why the media always use the same picture of him; because he always looks the same!"

"Quiet! He's coming over!" Junmyeon shushed them.

"I'll give 50 bucks to anyone that addresses him casually," Sehun smirked thinking no one would have the balls to do it.

"Sehun are you crazy? 50 bucks is not worth him yelling at us for the rest of our life!" Chanyeol said.

Before the group could discuss any further, Lee Soo Man arrived and said hello to them.

All of them bowed and greeted him politely. All of them except for the daredevil Yerim.

"Yo what's up L.S.M! How you likin Hawaii?"

They were all shocked to see rapper Yeri greet their seonsaengnim like that.

Lee Soo Man just laughed, "Yerim I see you're having fun."

"Yup! Thanks for doing this seonsaengnim!" she says, giving him two thumbs up.

He continues to laugh and turns to EXO who were still in shock, "I'll come check up on you guys when you start recording next week."

All the guys stuttered out thanks yous and bows.

He then turned to Red Velvet, "Good luck on your comeback, I'll discuss it with you girls later."

They all finished up the conversations with him and he soon left to go talk to another group of people.

"THANK GOD I'm not on his team," Sehun said.

"Oh no! He says he's going to come talk to us about the comeback later!" Sooyoung realized.

"But don't you guys think he seems to be in a good mood today?" Joohyun points out.

"You're right, he doesn't look like he's in the mood to yell at anyone," Jongdae said.

"Well I'm still staying farrrrr away. You two should too, he might come give you a talk," Sooyoung smirked at Joohyun and Junmyeon.

Joohyun looked over at Junmyeon who just laughed the comment off. She knows she had promised him a few months back that she wouldn't worry about what others think, but she couldn't help but wonder if the executives and the higher ups knew of her friendship with Junmyeon.


Junmyeon was laughing behind Joohyun as they pulled the rope. Her competitiveness came out and she was definitely here to win. Junmyeon had to even hold on to Joohyun with one hand in case she fell backward.

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