the lift

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So what did they talk about on the lift? 

As the lift traveled across the crowd, Joohyun was filled with happiness when she saw the faces of her fans. She was waving at everyone when Minseok spoke up.

"He seems more relaxed now, after he started talking to you again."

Joohyun knew he was talking about the new rekindled friendship she and Junmyeon had. It was just surprising to see Minseok bring it up. It took a good moment of silence before Joohyun replied.

"I'm glad. He honestly helped me a lot as well."

"As a hyung, I worry about all the burdens he has with his position. I know it's hard for him to talk to us about it since he's the leader," Minseok says while waving to the crowd.

"I guess that's why we can relate to each other so well," she replied with a small smile.

"I can tell he misses the trainee days sometimes. I'm happy a part of those days returned back to him."

Joohyun didn't think she had that much of a role in Junmyeon's trainee days, even if he was a big part of hers. If what Minseok said about Junmyeon was true, she and Junmyeon were more alike than she thought they were. Having Minseok tell her all this made her realize how much her mindset and worries changed after being close with Junmyeon again. Her thoughts were interrupted when a voice spoke up again. Surprisingly it was Kyungsoo that decided to pitch in.

"Junmyeon is smart but sometimes he puts others before him. He will end up getting buried in other people's problems before he speaks up about himself to us."

Joohyun nodded. She understood. It's not easy being a leader. No matter how close you are to your members, sometimes you just have to hold in your feelings even if it is killing you inside.

" I think it's great that there's someone like you for him to talk to," Minseok says as he gets out of the lift.

"I will definitely be that person for him," Joohyun says with a strong smile.

As he and Kyungsoo walked over to the other members, Minseok let out a big sigh of relief.

"Thank god she replied to us. I thought she was just going to ignore us and leave us looking like idiots."

"Speak for yourself." Kyungsoo says blankly.

"She isn't as cold as she seems to be. I'm glad Junmyeon has someone like her in his life." Minseok smiles. 

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