chapter 2

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In shock, my hand wavered over my gun.
The name Eden Gomez-Ricardo was well-known and feared throughout all of Europe, but apart from my gang, no one knew the face behind the name.
Just like Banksy, I was unknown.
Even the police didn't have a clue what the leader of the Aces looked like, I was completely underground. Nobody else knew my identity.

Yet somehow a bartender in Las Vegas did.

This man wore glasses, and had shaggy brown hair. He definitely didn't seem like a mastermind criminal, or someone who would be offering me such an opportunity.

"The police are on their way." He said bluntly.
"The owner of the casino has been watching you and your men all night, and he is already suspicious of your actions. In around 10 minutes, the police will storm in here, and you will be dead."
I stared at him closely, not sure if what he is telling me is a lie, or if the police were actually on their way.

I'm not sure if it was the sincerity in the bartender's eyes, or the nauseous feeling of eyes staring me down, but I brought my hand slowly up to my earpiece, and muttered our code word. Kai began frantically asking questions in my ear in response, but I couldn't reply, as I knew the bartender was right. The owner was watching me.

"How do you know who I am??" I demanded, taking a sip of my drink and acting naturally in order to cease any suspicions.
Acting cool under pressure was one of my talents, I had to constantly cope with situations like this on heists.

"I've been tracking you for nearly 5 years, I knew your father, we were good friends."

How could my father-a notorious and violent gang leader-be good friends with this nerdy-looking waiter?

"Why don't you give me a call when you decide, Miss Ricardo." The man whispered, as he nudged forward a small burner phone, and a phone number scribbled onto a piece of paper.

"...Who are you??" I had been bribed and conned too many times in life and I wasn't going to accept such a ridiculous offer without questioning him first.

"You can call me the professor."

I opened my mouth to ask what his plan was, but it wasn't time to ask questions. Despite the noise of the casino, I heard the distinct ping of the elevator. Kai and the others were in there, holding duffel bags wedged with money.
There was no way they could walk back through the casino without being noticed, so I stashed the burner phone and paper into my leather jacket pocket and downed the rest of my drink, ready for what came next. It was time for plan B.

As the name suggests, this plan was put in place if the original plan went wrong, it consisted of Matteo aiming his gun at me and 'taking me hostage', whilst the others carried the money out.

"If anyone moves, I'll put a bullet through her skull!" Matteo announced aggressively to the room full of gamblers, who were suddenly quiet in fear, and aware of the 8 gang members infront of them. The five security guards immediately jumped to their feet, weapons aimed at Matteo and the others.

I acted as though I was scared for my life, and the gang led me slowly to the van, all the while pointing pistols at the casino guards.
Bruno-our oldest member- climbed into the front seat of the van and began the engine.
As the others jumped into the back with the money, I turned around to face the guards, who each had a confused expression, expecting me to run away from the gang, but they were unaware I was in charge of all of this.

I smirked at their foolishness, stuck my middle fingers up and bundled into the back of the truck with Matteo.
Gunshots pummelled the closed doors and windows of the van, and my men shot back, injuring three of the guards, before speeding off with the $100,000.

Despite the thrill of the heist and the shoot out, I couldn't help but think about the sum of money the professor had offered me.

It was insane, and surely impossible to steal that much....but I was always up for a challenge.

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