chapter 10

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I awoke with a startle in the office where Berlin had knocked me out, with 8 pairs of eyes staring at me.

Ropes snaked up my legs and around my body, tying me down to a chair, and a piece of duck tape covered my mouth.

"Berlin please, let her go." Nairobi said.
"Yeah, this is a bit extreme don't you think Berlin?" Tokyo added.
He shrugged of their complaints and sauntered over to where I was sat.

"Bit of a feisty one aren't you, bella?" He kneeled down beside me grinning, and ripped the tape from my mouth.
"Knocking out a man double your size and threatening another? I'm impressed!"

Looking behind Berlin, Denver was staring at his feet, Rio was looking at me with pity, and Nairobi and Tokyo both looked pissed with Berlin. Moscow was hard to read but he looked ashamed by his son, and the Serbians looked shocked at my attack on them.

"Let's call our Professor shall we? You can tell him all about what happened yourself." Berlin motioned Rio to dial the number, and we all waited in silence as the phone rang.

"What is it Berlin?" The man on the other end of the phone said. "We agreed we would only call every 4 hours, unless there was an emergency."

"Well Professor, we almost did have an emergency. Cairo here tried to escape." Berlin brought the phone to my mouth with a smirk, expecting me to explain myself.
"You asshole." I muttered to him.

"Cairo, is this true??" The Professor asked.
"Yes." I said bluntly. There was no point lying.
"Does it matter??" I replied defensively. "It's not like I actually got out anyway."

"Professor it seems we have another hothead in our team!" Berlin interrupted, glancing at Tokyo, who rolled her eyes.
"Berlin please-" The Professor silenced him. "Cairo, I need to know you won't try something like this again, it could put the whole plan in jeopardy. I need your word."

I thought about it for a minute.
In the end of all of this I would get a ton of money, and I would never have to see or talk to Denver again. I supposed I could last a bit longer.

"Fine. You have my word. Now get me out of these fucking ropes." I glared at Berlin.
"Ropes? Why is she in ropes Berlin?? We agreed on no violence. especially against our own team-" But the Professor was cut off by Berlin, who put the phone promptly down.

"Well then, that settles it. Everyone back to your duties, the show's over." Berlin instructed, as he loosened the ropes that held me down.

As all the others left the room, Denver lingered behind.
I stood up out of the chair after undoing the rest of the knots, and made my way towards the door, when Denver grabbed my arm and pulled me back slightly.

"Cairo, I-" He began.
"Don't touch to me." I was clearly pissed already, and he was worsening my mood.
"I said don't fucking touch me." I snapped, pulling my arm away. I was half expecting him to argue back, but for once he was calm.
"Look, I'm sorry-"
"Don't bother Denver." I interrupted again.

"So you're just going to ignore me then? That's ridiculous."

"Oh yeah? Well so is murdering someone over some lost money. Just leave me alone, and once we're out of here, we will never have to see each other again."

He looked slightly hurt, but I couldn't care less, I didn't want to talk to him anymore.
So I left without another word to the bathrooms.

I felt like I was going to throw up, the image of my father being killed was replaying in my mind.
I leant over the counter, grasping the edge of the sink with my still shaking hands.

I could hardly recognise the person in the mirror staring back at me, I looked awful, I don't remember feeling this much anger since the day he died.
I knew he wouldn't want to see me like this.

So taking a deep breath, I splashed my face with water, and tied my hair back, taking a step towards the door.
I had to carry on with the heist, I didn't have any other option.

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