Chapter 2 - Serena

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School hours have ended for everyone else exclude me. Acting as an over smart student I'm going to sit in the school library for three additional hours and do some research. It's the detention actually.

For testing my patience level, Miss Simpsons has asked me to prepare a 1000 words essay on human group behaviour. There's more. I'm not allowed to use online sources, but to take help from the books in the library. I mentioned it earlier that her teaching methods are old fashion. But I don't think it's the case this time. She is only doing this to punish me.

Now I've to go through the table of contents of dozens of books that are in the psychology section of library and write an essay in three hours. However, my dear teacher gave me some relaxation here that I can take some more time if I want to, but I can't go home until I finish the essay. This is illegal! This is torture! I want to just beat myself right now for trapping myself into this situation.

I can't even say I hate Miss Simpson because she has given me the biggest news of the year. The Prom, my very own prom. It's like a longing dream came true. When I look back it feels like yesterday when I used to enviously see seniors preparing for their special night and creating posts on the social media to show off their photos, boyfriends and celebrations. Now it's my time, my prom night and I want to now start planning for it.

All of these thoughts give me some positive vibes that would help me in completing my today's tasks and just go home. My phone starts ringing when I'm about to enter the library. I stop just outside and take the call.

"So what are you going to do today in your detention time?" It's Ariana.

I sigh helplessly, "An essay about 1000 words."

"Man, she's overreacting."

"It's all because of you." My tone becomes slightly snappish, "Party invitation and detention came together."

She laughs, "At least you've one good thing to be happy about."

"Meanie." I grunt, "Now in return you'll do my math homework. After this essay I won't have enough time to complete it."

"Yes, Serena." I can imagine her nodding her head like an obedient kid, "We've been doing each other's homework for years. You know I would've never refused you even if there wouldn't be any detention problem."

I chuckle, "Clever way of lessening my anger."

"Damn woman, I can swear on strawberries I'm telling the truth."

She and I love strawberries a lot and everything that has strawberry flavour so it's just our way of proving our honesty to each other. Not that I doubted her. She's telling the truth. Most of the time, she does my maths homework and in return I do her chemistry homework because she hates chemistry and I hate maths.

"Okay, Okay, meanie. I believe you. Now hang up. I've got work to do."

Pocketing my android phone, I step inside the library. But my whole body freezes at the entrance when I see Jayce at one of the racks. He's looking through books. Jayce is my ex. Let me correct. If I talk about my dating life, Jayce's was my first ever boyfriend and then we broke up. No, again rephrasing is required. He broke up with me without any appropriate explanation.

It's not like I've any leftover feelings for him, but I just avoid him. I don't talk much to him and he does the same. It's just uncomfortable to be in his company after what happened between us and I think it's completely normal if I'm avoiding any sort of relation with him.

But right now I have this problem. He's here and I don't want him to see me. I curse that moment when I decided to choose psychology as my elective. Now I'm paying the price.

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