IV - comfort

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of course, why didn't i think of that... youngmin doesn't have a little sister so maybe that's why he treats me as one. right, im such a fool getting over my head.

tears unconsciously fell down my cheeks as my feet started stepping backwards. i want to run away.

i turned around and was about to run when i bumped into someone's chest. i quickly hid my face as i didnt want anyone to see me crying.

"what the... watch where you're goi-" eunsang said as he held my shoulders to stabilize my footing.

"sorry" i said and attempted to pass through him but he grabbed my wrist.

"wait, are you crying?" he asked worriedly, trying to see my face.

"stop, let me go! i dont want to be here" i said as i try to free my wrist from his grip but instead of loosening it, he gripped it harder and started pulling me somewhere. i don't care anymore as long as its not here.

he dragged me all the way to the rooftop and locked the door behind us.

"so... do you want space or do you want to solve it with me?" eunsang asked carefully. his gentle question was nothing like the eunsang i first knew and the consideration behind it made me cry harder. well, not like i knew him for long already.

i hugged his torso and buried my face in his chest as i tried to control my tears. i didn't want him to see me this messy. 

he rubbed circles my back and patted my head as a way to comfort me.

he didn't say anything, didn't ask any questions, he just.. stayed right there. just as what i needed at the moment.

i cried and cried my heart out until i felt like i couldn't cry anymore. the bell already rang an hour ago too yet he stayed with me.

i calmed down minutes after and started to pull away from our hug. using his sleeves to wipe my face.

"hey! that's gross... look at your snot all over my chest and sleeve!" eunsang said while laughing. his laugh made me laugh a little too. he gently smile at me.

"so? mind telling me what happened?" he asked. if he was the old eunsang i knew, i wouldnt tell him. but after today, i realized he's a good person, just a lil bit loose in the head sometimes.

i sniffled, "im his little sister" i weakly said.

"WHAT?  SO YOU'VE BEEN LIKING YOUR OWN BROTHER THIS WHOLE TIME?!" what he said made me facepalm and smack him on the head.

"stupid! i mean he treats me like his sister! nothing more..." i said, i would cry again only if it wasn't for his lame ass joke.

"oh" he said, his lips forming an o shape as he looked away from me.

"i don't really have anything to advice, i've never been in a relationship" he said as he scratched his neck.

"it's ok, i didn't expect much from you anyway" i said teasingly.

"that's rude! after i let you wipe your snot all over me!" he said, even putting his hand on his heart for dramatic effects. i giggled at his antics. 

my gaze fell down my hands as i fondle with them.

"but... thank you... for comforting me. i didn't expect you to be this nice and gentle lol you totally looked like a salty bitch at first" i teased.

"that would've been a nice compliment if it weren't for the last part" he sighs.

"but... you could always lean on me, semi"

A/N: it's weird that i finally updated this book after 2 years lmao, i already forgot the plot i planned before sksksksksk but eh, who cares

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