~mess of foxes~

409 3 0

 kinda like a circus AU?

sakusa pov

"And welcoming onto the stage INARIZAKI!" sakusa herd the anouncer and looked down at the team coming in they were the first preformance of the night a great way to start off. komori is a big fan of this team but i dont really care to watch the opponents but he draged me here so i have no choice. I have never watched inarizaki preform before so if there all that komori says they are then this will be one hell of a show to watch.

in this world it's all about preformance and the score you get  .

and thats the only thing these teenagers care about .

1 man stepped onto the stage with a fox mask on and bowed to the crowd i couldn't tell what he was going to do until i saw the 2 chain balls that were giving to him. i have seen this man preform before doing very dangerous things just for fame

 Suna Rintaro

then all the light's went out and the fire was lit

~no ones POV~

the lights came back on and suna walked off the stage you could here cheering from the crowed a lot of people should know that kitsune's have preformed with fire for over hundreds of years and this man was very good at what he does

 and 3 more people came out also wearing fox mask's and they were wheeling huge taiko drums and this got me kinda exsided because i saw one of the most beautiful person walk on stage his hair looked like a sunflower and his body oh my god dont get me started

(yes this is me simping over atsumu)

 the 3 men got into playing possition and the light's went out ounce more you could here the light druming sound and the lights came on and focused on the 3

i was in aww i could see the sweet dripping from the 3 i cringed at the sight though i don't blame them the taiko drum requires a lot of effort to play. there was loud clapping herd from the audiences and i was claping but my only focus was on the blond man i mean he looked hot-

no no don't think that kiyoomi hes your obstacle to be able to get to the top.

the 3 wheeled the drums off stage and im guessing the rest of the team that has not preformed yet went onto the stage with traditional instruments and every single one had a fox mask on they all sat down but 1 that was wearing a black robe

then the light's were fixed onto the group and the man in the middle started to play

the lights turned off and the clapping came in but louder the cheers were loud as well and that was the end of inarizaki's preformance from what i herd they got a 187.4/200 which put them at the top and now it was my teams turn to preform and while me and komori were getting ready backstage i saw the 3 taiko drum players from inarizaki . they looked like they needed help moving the drums so i squirted some sanitizer on my hands and tapped of komoris sholder and pointed to the 3 , komori nodded and got up with sakusa and made there way over to the 3

"ughhhh this big ass drum wont budge! what are we gonna do" the blond male asked "well all we can do is wait for the others to come back so we can push this thing" the blonds grey haired twin said , komori tapped on the grey mans sholder "hmm?" the other 2 males looked to see who it was only to find out it was one of there opponents "uhh well we saw you having trouble and were wondering if we could help in anyway" komori said looking at sakusa who was looking at the blond but the blond was also looking at sakusa with shock

~Atsumu's POV~

oh my god... how can this man look so hot AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i need to calm down
"uhh ya we need help moving out drums back to out spot if thats okay" the two boys nodded

~time skip because fuck~

that boys got the drums to the spot they needed to go to. It was itachiama's turn i knew they were good and were going to be a big opponent but during the preformance i couldn't take my eye's off of the black haired man i still didn't know his name but i was already madly in love with this man and i bet he was too because of the way i saw him take looks at my while preforming 

there preformance ended and it was time for the next one but i didn't care all i wanted to do was talk to the black haired man .

I was walking around the back stage trying to find him


"hey!" i ran up to the guy he was shocked but blushed and i noticed this "i wanna thank you for helping me and my friends with the drums" "uhh y-ya no problem" "im atsumu i was wondering if you could tell me yours?" the man looked at me for a second "sakusa, sakusa kiyoomi" i stood there thinking "hey is it okay if i call you omi?" the boy was caught off gaurd by the nick name but nodded then i herd kita yell at me "ATSUMU GET OVER HERE" i looked at kita and nodded then i looked back at omi and handed him a paper that had my number, winked and ran off

~Sakusa's POV~

oh holy shit. i looked at the paper atsumu gave me and when i tell you i was blushing to the moon and back it was not a lie. "oh my god..." komori took note of this and asked it i was okay "ya im okay now we need to get finished changing" i looked away and looked down at the paper and took my phone out putting his number in. 

the both boys though the same thing

i am falling for him no doubt.

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