~spiders n shit~

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so one day akagi wanted to scare his team members because it was getting kinda dull so why not spice things up

Akagi got a spider.

atsmu hate's spiders

akagi bought a spider and while every one was getting warmed up he let the spider free from its container

everything was going fine until the spider got near atsumu
he looked down and saw the spider and of course he screamed


atsumu ran over to his brother and hid behind him

"oh my god what the hell do you want?"

atsumu pointed at the spider and it was a good sized spider even osamu was kinda scared and now everyone attention was off of warming up and now on the spider and suna took his phone out to film everything cause he knew this was going to be pretty funny then kita came out with a broom

k- "where's the spider?"

AT- "over there by the pole"

atsumu pointed to the vollyball net pole thing

k- "how big is it?"

kita looked around for the spider

O- "kinda big ngl its crawling onto the pole"

S- "Atsumu almost stepped on it"

kita tried to hit the spider but missed and it flung the spider over to where the others were standing


atsumu ran and hid behind Aran

S- "is it dead?"

kita kept trying to hit the spider but missed every single time and the spider was jumping all over the place and atsumu screamed again and took the broom out of kita's hands


atsumu tried to hit the spider but missed

s- "hit it like actually hit it"

then atsumu hit the spider but

it exploded? kinda

O- "wha-"

s- "oh my god it gave birth!"

suna and atsumu ran


Ar- "OH SHIT-"

all the boys ran to the far corners of the gym

S- "wa- wait i got that on video!" 

aran laughed

O- "wait we need to go back-"


then the gym doors flew open

Coach- What In the hell is going on here!?"

all the boys ran to the doors and out of the gym and kita started to explain

k- "sir there was a spider in the gym a big one and i tried to kill it then atsumu tried to kill it but when he hit the spider it gave birth and now there are a bunch of tiny spider's in the gym

the coach just stood there pinching the bridge of his noes

"okay thank you kita i will call someone to kill the spiders cause i know damn well most of you wont practice in there"

everyone looked at atsumu

"oh fuck off any ways how in the hell did the thing get in there"

suna coughed and pointed at akagi

"oh you bitch-"


kita was glaring at akagi , he walked over to the smaller boy

"i an going to go tell the coach that you did this and that you will be getting rid of every single spider in that gymnasium"


akagi nodded sweeting then kita looked over to suna who was showing the video to osamu 


"y-yes kita-san?"

"how did you know it was akagi that brought the spider in"

suna knew he fucked up

"i-uhh i-i just saw him with a container and thought thats what was holding the spider but i wasn't sure"

"okay thank you for telling me" 

and with that kita ran off to the coach while atsumu walked up to akagi and with his hight he was extra scary to the shorter

"akagi why in the hell did you do that"

"Hey It was getting boring and wanted to spice things up but i didn't know the spider would explode like that!"

"well it did and now there are hundred's of tiny fucking spiders in our gym because of you"

atsumu shaked akagi like there was no tommorow

~Time Skip brought to you by my fuckin brain~

akagi had spent the who week trying to get those little spiders out of the gym and during that time the team had to practice outside

and akagi knew not to have spiders near his team



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