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A/N - Through all of my chapters if there is a ~T~ then that means trigger warning, so yeah, just warning ya!

Dipper awoke to a very loud beeping, he quickly silenced the alarm and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He yawned and stood up, stumbling over to his closet he grabbed a pair of jeans, a red shirt, a navy blue jacket, and his favorite hat, then he made his way over to the bathroom to shower. After his shower he felt more awake, he grabbed his backpack and looked around the room to see if he had forgotten anything, he spotted his journal and pen laying on the nightstand, he hurried over to it and stuffed it in his backpack, then flipping off the light he slipped out the door. He silently walked down the stairs skipping the last because it squeaked, and headed for the kitchen. He looked around the tiny kitchen, it was very dirty, dished from earlier that week littered the sink and counters, and there was some spilled jam on the counters. Dipper set his bag down and got to work, he silently washed all the dishes and wiped down the counters. When he left it it was the cleanest he had seen it in a while, on his way out he grabbed a plastic bag and filled it with dry cereal then he grabbed a notepad and pen off of the table. He wrote a quick note, I am going to school early, I have an assignment I need to do. Have a good day, text me if you need anything. Love you. He left the note on the newly cleaned counter and grabbed his bag heading out the door. He riffled through his bag looking for his keys then once found he slid into the driver's seat of his old toyota, he checked behind him and in his blind spot before slowly pulling out of the driveway, he drove all the way to school, then looking at the time he hopped out, "It's only 7:30, okay. I still have an hour and a half," He said to himself. He walked into the school and headed straight for the library, making a pit stop at his locker, he lightened his load then entered the library heading straight to the place where he usually sat, in the mythology and mythical creatures section. He sat down pulling out his journal and a pen, he pulled down the nearest book and flipped it open ruffling his hair as he did so. After flipping through a few more pages he put the book back, pull out a different one that sounded more interesting, after the first few pages he started to get more into it and absentmindedly ran another hand through his hair this time knocking his hat off, although he didn't notice, he just kept reading and scribbling stuff down. Bill noticed though, he was standing a few bookshelves away, hidden, as he watched the younger boy, fixated. He looked away to look at his phone, it was 1 minute till the bell wrung, then he looked back to the boy, face filled with excitement and wonder. Bill flitched as he heard the bell ring, then he looked over and saw the boy freaking out grabbing all of his things and heading out of the door. Bill didn't know him, today was his first day, but it felt wrong to leave his hat laying there. He headed over to the table and saw a piece of paper lying on there, he picked it up and although it felt weird to do he read it,

Case #28

Never would I have believed that a simple doorway could spell your doom, but I have seen several tourists go through ordinary-looking doors and simple looking doors and simply disappear into thin air, never to be seen again. The phenomenon is unexplained

Bill found this very odd, doors that could spell your doom? What was this, he looked around the section and understood, this was mythology, Bill laughed as he picked up the tattered old hat, he stuffed the paper in his backpack, and gently put the hat on top of his books. He smiled to himself as he looked at his schedule, he had World Geography for first. It took him awhile to find the right classroom and when he walked in he saw the same kid from the library, then his teacher spoke up, "Oh, right. We have a new student joining us today, students please welcome Bill Rephic."

Bill looked straight at Dipper, but Dipper wasn't even looking up, his head was down as his hand raced across the pages of his notebook.The teacher spoke up again, "Bill why don't you go sit next to Mason," The teacher smiled and pointed over to the desk next to Dippers. Bill sat down and rifled through his backpack till he found a notebook and pen, then he turned back to face the front. Bill kept finding himself glancing at Dipper, then near the end of class he turned to face the boy and he grabbed his bag, "I am Bill, and your... Mason right?" Dipper turned to him and looked him over before answering, "I am, but no one calls me that anymore. I go by Dipper," He said, Bill stuttered, "O-oh sorry, I didn't know," Dipper smiled, "It's okay, only this teacher calls me that," Bill smiled and reached into his bag, "So I was in the library this morning," Dipper's cheeks turn a light pink, "And I saw you leaving in a hurry, basically you just left this there." Bill finishes and hands Dipper his hat, Dipper took it, then ruffled his hair, "Wow I didn't even notice it was gone, thanks for returning it. I bet if anyone else found it they wouldn't have given it back," Dipper said while he was fixing it on his head, "Yeah well when you are new you try to make friends, so... yeah." Bill said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah well we could be friends if you like, you seem pretty nice." Dipper said he didn't have many friends, but he made sure not to say this, "Really?!?" Bill asked, his whole face brightened, "Yeah, sure. What's your next class?" Dipper asked, getting excited too. They soon found out that they had the same classes except for the last one, Bill had GTT while Dipper had Art. They made their way over to the gym, their next class, and got into lines once they arrived. Bill had quickly realized that him and Dipper weren't all that different. Dipper had a twin just like Bill, and they both lived in bad neighborhoods, and they both weren't really good at making friends. Their coach walked out and started taking attendance, once they were released to go get into the workout uniform Bill walked up to the coach, "Umm.... so I am new so I need a locker," Bill asked kind of nervous, "Okay... Name please." The coach asked flipping open her clipboard, "Um.. Bill, Bill Rephic," The coach looked down the list, then said, "Alright, you can use locker 5G, I expect you to be back out here in 5 minutes," Bill bolted into the locker room and found 5G, no one was near it, he assumed that they had already gotten changed. Dipper walked out of the bathroom and say Bill standing in front of the empty locker next to his, and he was trying to figure out the code, Dipper walked up behind him and whispered in his ear, "Fancy seeing you here," Bill jumped and turned to be greeted with Dipper's hearty laugh, Bill smiled and started to explain, "The coach game me this code, but I can't figure out how to open this locker!" Bill was getting more frustrated by the second, "Here Bill, let me. I am used to geting these stupid things open," Dipper took the lock in his hand and he spinned it a bunch then entered the code in, the lock popped right off, "Wha...? How? I have been trying to open it for a while now!" Bill grabbed his bag and set it in the locker then he pulled out the shirt and shorts, "Like I said, I am used to getting these stupid things to open..." Dipper trailed off and looked away when Bill was changing into his gym gear, "Yeah I guess you will have to show me your tricks." Bill laughed and headed out to the track, they were running laps that day. Most everyone was already on the track, when they saw the coach sitting in the bleachers they realized that she hadn't even noticed they were gone, they snuck behind the bleachers and sat down on a hoodie. They still had to know more about each other. "Okay how about we just ask each other random questions?" Bill suggested, and Dipper nodded, "Okay, I'll go first," Dipper said, " Why did you move here?" Bill was wondering why he hadn't asked this sooner, "Well, my mom wanted to move us far away from where my dad was, so we came to a place with a reasonably good school system," Bill said, Dipper nodded, "What were you doing in the library this morning?" Bill asked, Dipper looked at his hands, "I was writing my story," Dipper said, he rubbed the back of his neck, "What is it about?" Bill asked, "I am writing a story about the supernatural and if there was a different town that was surrounded in supernatural creatures, and I was there, it is stupid, but I use it to help me with my life." Dipper said and visibly shrunk back, "What about your life makes it so you have to write something like this?" Bill asked, getting more curious by the second, "Well a couple years ago my parents got a devorce, so I used the story as a way out, a kind of coping mechanism." Dipper was looking at a very interesting leaf, "Oh, I am sorry. My dad walked out on us too." Bill said, feeling like he had crossed a line, "It's fine," Dipper said, "No no, I shouldn't have asked such a personal question," Bill felt really bad, he put a hand on Dipper's shoulder, they sat there for a while. Then they heard a bunch of feet coming towards them, they had to get back inside. They quickly ran and caught up with the rest, making their way back inside they got dressed back into their regular clothes and headed out the door to Math. Dipper and Bill got seperated in the hallway because they had to drop books off at their lockers which were on opposite sides of the schools, when Dipper got ot his he quickly put all his books in his locker, then grabbed a note book and three pens. 


He tried to hurry but when he heard the door slam on a few lockers down he froze, he was not quick enough, "Where do you think your goin'?" a sort of high pitched voice asked, Dipper turned around to face the white haired git, though he would never say that to his face, "T-to m-m-math," Dipper responded starting to back away although he knew it was a lost cause, "I don't think you'll be going anywhere," Gideon said and he glanced around, the hallways were almost empty except for the accational late student, Gideon was much taller than Dipper, he towered over him and watched at Dipper shrunk away, grinning he twisted an arm behind Dipper's back and pushed him against the locker, then so fast Dipper hardly had anytime to try to block it Gideon punched him in the stomach, hard. Dipper bit back the groan of pain, but it was hard to conseal, then Gideon punched him again and again, then dropped him and Dipper fell to the floor with a grunt, he tried to stand up again, but when Gideon saw this effort he kicked his shins a bunch and Dipper gave up. The late bell had rung minutes earlier, but Dipper still sat huddled near the far side of the school where no one ever went beside getting books from their lockers. Today Gideon had really hit hard, Dipper could usually recover and get to class a little late, but this morning was a different story. Dipper lay there helpless, meanwhile Bill is growing more and more worried, because Dipper has yet to come to math.

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