Grape Bitch 🎲

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We all know who this mf is
Mr. Cocktitty Oma coming to rise me out of the grave that is the danganronpa fandom
This will be Kokichi x Female reader because apparently the purple little fucker gets all the girls

-boobie go squish hehehe

-Lays on you every time you sit down. He climbs into your lap, lays his head in your lap, etc.

-Constantly teasing you in public. Little cheek kisses, head pats, rubbing your thigh, etc.

-He tries not to lie to you, but if he does it's either on accident or he's just fucking with you.

-Hides like everything you own, which ends in you smacking him and him fake-bawling while screaking "YOU'RE SO MEEEAAAN I THOUGHT YOU LOVE MEEEEE"

-He says confusing shit all the time. Such as:

Kokichi: Heyyy, did you take my scarf?

[Y/N]: You're... You're wearing it.

Kokichi: Nonono, my scarf.

[Y/N]: I'm not even gonna try with you today.

-Gets jealous, but very discreetly. If somebody looks at you, he'll glare and smile at them, and that alone would make them look away.

-He jumps out to scare you a lot. Sometimes in the most unexpected places. Such as your car. Or the shower.

-He doesn't verbally express affection, but he rubs on you kinda like a cat to show he loves you.


This was short but cute to make I enjoyed this
Expect more hatzgang later, I have some interesting plots in mind 💘

Also I may make my own original story if y'all would read it 😳


(263 words)

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