Babeymans? Candeymans! (Kevin x Fem!Reader)

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We don't ask why that image is what it is
have fun with this one... 🌝

"Come on kids, it's time to go." You called to your temporary spooky children, watching as they came running over while giggling and laughing with each other.

"Pretty ladyyy!" Skid called, grabbing onto your leg and beaming brightly up at you. "Can we go see the candyman?"

"Who's that, dear?" You pulled Skid up and onto your shoulders, making him giggle and play in your hair.

"The candyman, at the candy store!" Pump smiled, pointing to a mini store on the end of the block. "We always go to visit him. He gives us candy."

"Don't you two think that you have enough candy?" You smiled gently at them.

"Pleeeeaaaaase?" They both begged in unison, making you sigh and breathe in amusement.

"Alright, we can go." You picked up Pump, giggling quietly as he clinged onto your side like a koala.

You walked with your halloween obsessed children to the little candy store on the end of the block. You pushed open the doors, walking inside with them. The boys immediately smiled at the young man working at the counter, though he seemed more nervous than delighted to see them.

"Hello Kevin!" They both cheered, jumping off of you and running to the counter. Skid faceplanted, but he was fine.

"Kevin, hm?" You smiled at the young man, now with the name of Kevin. As soon as he looked up at you his cheeks flushed a rosy pink color, and he was silent for a few moments before blinking and stuttering.

"Wh-What do you kids want?" He looked down at your spooky sons, both of them pointing at a chocolate bar through the glass.

"That one!" Pump smiled brightly, looking up at Kevin again.

"Alright, but this time you have to pay." Kevin grabbed two of the bars from under the glass counter, handing it to the kids.

"No problem, I got it." You smiled as you pulled two dollars from your wallet, sliding it across the counter at him. His face flushed again, but he quickly took the money and looked away.

"Come on kids, let's get you home." You ushered the short boys over to you, leading them out the door. Right as you were about to walk out, you heard the candyman call out to you.

"Ma'am! I-I, eh..." He stammered, looking down but quickly looking back up. You instructed the kids to walk across the street to the house, and you walked back inside the shop.

"Yes?" You walked back over to the counter, blinking at him.

"C-Could I get your name?-.." He stuttered again, fiddling with his fingers while slowly devolving into a nervous wreck. "M-Maybe your n-number...?"

You giggled quietly, taking out a little notepad and writing down your phone number. "My name is [Y/N]." You say with a smile as you hand the paper to him.

"A-Ah, you have a b-beautiful name." Kevin continued to stutter, breathing heavy and looking nearly pale.

"Why thank you. " You smile at him, as his face slowly becomes more and more red. "May I ask why you wanted my phone number?"

"W-Well I-I-" He stammered, now physically sweating like a nervous idiot. An adorable nervous idiot, at that. "I-I just- y-you- I-I thought I could t-tAke you- to dinner-... Sometime?.." He finally managed to get the words out.

You stood there, slightly bewildered. "Me? You want to take me to dinner?" He quickly nodded, too scared to say anything more.

"Well, I accept the offer." You smile. "Call me, we can set something up."

You wave to him, turning to leave, before stopping. You whirl around, staring at him for a moment, then leaning over the counter and lightly pecking his cheek.

"See ya, Kev!" You beam brightly and walk out the door, leaving him to bask in his victory of earning a date.

Well, that 'basking' consisted of flushing completely red and passing out, but it's basically the same thing.

This was so fun to wRite ;0
Somebody help this awkward ass man he can't ask a girl out to save his life 👵🔫
-Katz ✨

(728 words)

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