Shruthi opens up

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Recap: Shruthi was crying a lot.

Keerthi: What happened Shruthi? Say something. We are really tensed.
Shruthi still crying not uttering a single word.
Rahul: Are u going to say anything r not, Shruthi?(loudly)
Shruthi got a little scared. She explained whatever happened yesterday and today at Raj's office.
Rahul got very furious by hearing to Shruthi.
Rahul: I'll not leave that bas***d. How dare he can do this with u?
Keerthi: Y were u silent Shruthi? Y didn't u say this at morning.
Rahul: Keerthi is right. These much things had happened to u and u have not uttered a single word.
Shruthi: I didn't see him after that. So I don't want to make this a big issue. And also I was scared.
(still crying)

Rahul: I'll not spare that Rohan. He should pay for this.
Keerthi: No Rahul. Don't do anything wrong in angry so that we want to suffer. We should move it legally. Let's file a complaint against Rohan.

Shruthi: No. Just leave this here itself. I don't want to regain all those bad memories. I want to be strong enough to come out this. Pls, I want to forget this.
Rahul: But Shruthi...
Shruthi cut between.
Shruthi: Promise me. U both won't make this more complicated. I want to overcome this problem. Pls help me.
Rahul & Keerthi: Ok Promise.
Meanwhile Sandhiya came and heard their conversation. She was on the edge of tears. As she thinks Shruthi as her own daughter. But she didn't show that she heard everything. She fed dinner to Shruthi. Shruthi slept on keeping her head on Sandhiya's lap.Rahul & Keerthi left to their home. Sandhiya also slept on the same position.
Next morning,
At Raj Mansion,
Raj woke up by the sun rays fell on him through window. He went to shower and while getting ready to office his eyes fell on the file which was gave by Shruthi.
Raj(to himself): What happened to that girl? Why she behaved like that? What could be her problem? Why I'm feeling so much pain in my heart when I saw her in tears?
Why my heart is hurrying towards her? Why my heart wants to meet her again? Why I told Khanna to collect information about her? Am I fell in love with her? Ufffff..... What are u thinking Raj?  How is this possible? U have just saw her two times that to first time she was almost would have accidented by me and second time I made her cry.  But something is there in her which is attracting me towards her.
He remembered her face when she was admitted in hospital while sleeping like a small kid. Unknowingly he smiled.
In Shruthi's home,
Shruthi was getting ready for college. While she was about pick her bag her eyes fell on the letter beside her table. She opened it and seeing the letter R she smiled.
(Same letter written by Raj)
2 days before,
Rohan's friend called Rohan but he didn't attend the call. As he know Rohan's plan he came to the farmhouse to see him.

He saw Rohan in blood flood he took him to the hospital. Though Rohan was badly injured, doctors somehow saved him. But he warned his friend, if Rohan hadn't gain conscious in next 48 hours, he may slip into coma. The time is running out......

Will Shruthi able to overcome from her bad memories?
Did really Raj fell in love with Shruthi?
Will they meet each other again?
Will Rohan survive or slip in coma?
What will be his next move if he survive?
Stay tuned.....

                        - VIJIMIRA 🥰

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