Raj's surprise

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Recap: Raj left Shruthi's house sadly.

Nithya and Rohan took Shruthi to the Raj Mansion with all others. When Shruthi reached entrance her eyes filled with tears by remembering how Raj pushed her out of the house. Rohan saw it. He went before her and sat on his knees. He held his ears by his hands. Shruthi saw this and laughed. Then all entered the house.

Nithya: Shruthi, First u go to ur room and take rest.
Shruthi: But Atthai(maami), all are here. I'll get bored in the room.
Nithya: Then let all of us go to ur room.

All entered the room and stunned by seeing a huge pic of Shruthi hanging on the wall.

All entered the room and stunned by seeing a huge pic of Shruthi hanging on the wall

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Then all entered the room and saw few more pics of👇🏻 Shruthi .

Shruthi was very happy and her eyes searched for Raj but he was not there in the room. Then she saw a SORRY card lying on the bed with a red rose. Shruthi's eyes filled with tears of happiness.

Nithya: Shruthi, don't forget that he had made u cry for 10 days. Let him cry atleast a week.
Shruthi: But Atthai.....
Nithya: No ifs & buts..... Do follow what I said. This is ur mother-in-law's order.(in kidding way)
Shruthi also noded in yes but she highly wanted to be in Raj's embarrass.

All chit chatted for a while

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All chit chatted for a while. After that all went out. Keerthi and Rahul went back to their home. Rohan went with Sandhiya and Mano to take and come their belongings as they are going to stay in Raj Mansion. Raj has requested Sandhiya has he want to fulfill his promise he done on the engagement.

At night, Shruthi didn't see Raj after coming to Raj Mansion. She was waiting for him but he didn't show up. She slept on the sofa on their room while waiting for him.

At 10.00 p.m. Raj came back to home as he had many meetings. He didn't eat anything from morning. But he didn't say this to anyone as he thought that all are in anger on him.

He directly went to his room and saw Shruthi was sleeping in the sofa. He lifted her in his arm and made her lay on the bed. She was sleeping like a kid. He smiled and gave her a forehead kiss. She smiled in the sleep.

When he was about to leave, he found that Shruthi is holding his hand. He didn't try to remove his hand as she will not be disturbed. He sat down and slept on seeing her.

At morning, Raj woke up early and saw Shruthi has rolled on the opposite side leaving his hand. He made her lay properly and went to shower. He got ready and went to the office without seeing anyone.

Only maid saw him going out when she was cleaning the house. Shruthi woke up and saw herself on the bed. She checked the time. It was 11.00 a.m.

Shruthi(to herself): Oh shit. Raj have already left and I'm late. Y didn't he woke me up? If he had woke me up, I would have aslo went with him to the office. Uffff.... First I should go and get ready. Then her eyes felt on the letter lying on the side table. She took and read it. It was written by Raj.

" Don't get panic by seeing the time. It's Ok. This is normal at the time of pregnancy. I had spoke to doctor. She said that It'll be much better to u and baby if u take more rest. So pls come to office if u feel better. And sorry for leaving without informing u. I don't want to disturb you while ur sleeping that much cute. Take care urself and baby. Love u..... "

Shruthi blushes after reading the letter. She opened the cupboard and kept the letter with other letters which were written by Raj for her before their marriage.

After a while she got ready and went downstairs. Nithya and Sandhiya were talking in the hall. Mano had went to school and Rohan went out with his friends.

Shruthi: Good morning.
Nithya: Good morning dr. Go and have ur breakfast.
Shruthi: Ok Atthai.

Shruthi checked the box and found there is extra food. She asked the maid about it. She informed that Raj left the house without having breakfast. She also said that he had not ate from yesterday. Shruthi told the maid to pack the tiffen so that she will eat with Raj and left to the office.

What next?
Will Raj able to convince Shruthi?
Will Shruthi able to confess her feelings to Raj?
Stay tuned....


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