Chapter 5

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Taryn's POV
LA California
10:05 am

I'm currently at work right now, helping my mean ass boss. .

I can't wait to leave this job because the day I leave, I'm beating ha ass ..

But today was a easy day surprisingly because usually on Mondays she got me going to Starbucks, target, Walmart, sending her bratty ass daughter food .. but today I'm just organizing her documents..

Alex has been on my mind for a minute now, I really like her and I wanna tell her how I feel but I just know it's too early and she might not even like me and or feel the same way about me ..

Maybe .. if she gives me energy that she likes me, then I might tell her how I feel ..

12:30 in the afternoon ..
Taryn POV
LA California

It was my lunch break and I was heading out to yk ... obviously get lunch and I was still thinking about Alex crusty, tall body, dread head , sexy ass- anyways .. yes,I was still thinking about her and it crossed my mind that I should be nice and buy her lunch ..

I never been to her job so why nawt ..

So I ft her ..

FaceTiming: Alex

Connected ....

Alex: hello

Me: Are you hungry?

Alex: why?

Me: nigga are you hungry or nawt, answer the fawkin question

Alex: 1. Watch yo mouth 2. Yeah, you gon get me sum?

Me: yeah.. what do you want?

Alex: suprise me .. I'll send you the shops address

Me: I don't know what you like tho-

Alex: I eat everything.. especially pussy

Me: oh- I- I'll just bring some subway

Alex: ok, see ya soon little girl

Me: I'm not little I'm grow-

*alex hangs up*

Me: bitc-

So I go to subway and get two chicken bacon ranch melts with a salad.. so if she doesn't like the sandwich she can get the salad.. cause I know her tall body ass eat salad ..

I head to her job and park in the parking lot right beside it ..

I get out and walk in and I'm welcomed by a brown skin stud with short hair ..

"Wassup, my name Keria and welcome to LA Tats, what are you looking forward to do? , tattoo? Piercing? What have you?" Keira said

"Oh I Um- I'm here to give Alex her food" I said nervously

"Oh so your doordash?" Keira said confused

*Alex comes in the conversation*

"No Keira, this is Taryn.. the one I was telling you about.." Alex said to Keira

"Ohhhhh, your the famous Taryn that Alex was tellin me about huh?" Keira said as Alex smacked the back of her neck ..

" I guess so" I said nervously

In the inside i was doing my little dancey dance because nawt Alex talkin about me

"Come to my office real quick Taryn" Alex said

So I followed her into her office, it was really nice looking it had all dark colors though .. no blue, red, purple .. just black ..

" Umm so I got you a sandwich and or a salad .. your pick"

"I'll take the salad she said" sitting in her rolling chair

"I knew yo healthy ass would say that" I said laughing

Umm hey .. I kinda disappeared ..

There is a part two to this, I just wanted to stop because the chapter was getting long ..

So you will be receiving another chapter today ...

Don't forget to vote ..

Ohh and sorry for the misspelling ..
579 words ..

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