☆kiss it better☆

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"you're being ridiculous, jimin!" the woman yelled.

"how is it ridiculous?! it's ridiculous that i'm in love?" jimin shouted back at her.

right now jimin was in a heated argument with his mother.


because jimin got a boyfriend.

now, maybe it would be better if it was just an average, basic boy.

however, this is min yoongi we're talking about.

min yoongi was infamous in their school for being a slacker.

he did zero work, showed up late and smoked on the roof. not a great example.

there was also the fact that his arms and hands were covered in tattoos, he dressed in all black, had seven different piercings, drove a motorcycle and had the most "colourful" language anyone has ever heard.

because of his image, many misjudged him.

since people never took the time to get to know him and always judged him without doing so, yoongi was extremely lonely.

his home life was fucked up. his mother was a drug addict. her boyfriend was even worse: an abusive asshole, not to mention homophobic, but his mother was too blind and stoned to see.

but no one knew about yoongi's trauma, no one knew about how alone he was.

except for jimin.

yoongi wasn't sure what happened but when he first saw jimin it was like his world went in slow-motion for a second.

their first conversation was so awkward because yoongi had no idea what to say and jimin was slightly terrified of him.

however, over time, they loosened up and became really close before eventually getting into a relationship.

so what if they were polar opposites? they loved eachother regardless.

jimin's mother didn't think so, though.

"you're not in love, jimin! it's just a crush or an infatuation. i will not allow you to date that boy! he's the worst influence you could possibly have." she argued.

"i am in love! and so is he! how would you know whether he's a bad influence or not? you don't even know him." jimin stomped his foot angrily.

"i've heard enough about him to know he's no good for you." she said.

"what happened to not judging a book by it's cover? what happened to looks can be decieving? you haven't even met him once in your life but i've been close to him for eight months! yet you think you know him better than i do? you sound absolutely stupid!" jimin complained.

"even though looks can be decieving, sometimes it's better to never know what lies beneath them." she stated.

"but i already know what lies beneath them! and it's someone i love." jimin argued back.

"jimin, you will not convince me on this. you better break up with that boy."


"what do you mean no? have you forgotten who you're talking to?" she said, shocked at her son denying her.

"i'm not living my life for you! i'm turning eighteen in a month. when am i gonna get freedom? when am i gonna be able to do anything without your bullshit approval?" jimin groaned.

"do not swear at me, jimin! i don't care if i don't know this boy inside and out, he's bad for you and i know that much."

"dad had a perfect image." jimin muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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