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jimin was a barista at his friend seokjin's coffee shop. he'd finished highschool and didn't really know what to do after that. to keep a roof over his head, seokjin offered him a job and a spare room; he'll always be thankful for him.

one day jimin was cleaning a table when he looked up and saw a tired looking man enter the shop. he looked to the register and didn't see jin so he took it upon hinself to serve the man who was currently walking to the counter.

he was wearing grey jeans with a chain hanging off his belt loops, a black bommer jacket, a black bucket hat covering his bleached hair and black combat boots. his skin was white and not a pore or blemish was in sight, almost like sugar itself. however, his eyes had dark circles resting beneath them and were slightly red from what seemed like lack of sleep, looking almost emotionless. he walked as if he was completely drained; exhausted.

"hey, i'll just have a cup of coffee please." his voice was raspy and monotone, he even sounded tired.

"alright, what size and how strong mr.?" jimin said.

"large, black." the mystery man replied.

"okay, that's £3.99 sir."

the man placed £5 on the counter and walked off to a table near the window. it was 7:39pm and it was starting to drizzle rain outside.

jimin was quick to make the man's coffee and take out his change and reciept. he walked up to the man's table and handed him the cup and slid the reciept onto the table and walked away before the man could look back up at him.

the mysterious man looked up with a confused expression. jimin had given him the coffee, the recipt and... the money?

he stood up once the small line had cleared and jimin was cleaning a table. he tapped his shoulder.

jimin turned around with a smile, as usual.

cute. yoongi thought.

he held out the money to jimin.

"you left this."

"no, i meant to put it there."

yoongi didn't really get it and jimin sensed this, giggling.

"well, you seem like you're having a bad day, so consider it on me. an act of kindness, if you will." jimin smiled again.

yoongi didn't really think that nice people like that exsited nowadays. not that he got out much.

"oh, well thanks... jimin?" yoongi squinted at the name tag.

"yeah, it's jimin, and you are?"

"yoongi, min yoongi."

"well i gotta get back to work but i'll see you around?"

"yeah, sure."

yoongi turned around and sat back in his seat. although he was still tired as all hell and he hadn't slept in two days working on his music, he wouldn't deny that after meeting the mysterious cafè cutie, his mood had been slightly lifted.

he slightly smiled to himself. jimin huh?

~time skip~

it was three weeks later and since then, yoongi had become a regular at the small coffee shop and day after day he seemed just a little happier.

it was 3pm on a saturday afternoon, a few customers in the shop. the bell above the door rang and jimin looked up, smiling to see yoongi walking to his usual table. jimin made his coffee and walked up to him, sitting across from him.

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