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jimin was home alone. this was normal for him though so it didnt really bother him. hes been living alone since he left busan, he now lives in seoul. his parents are still back home, and to be honest, he missed them dearly. without them he felt empty...

until he met him.

yoongi. min yoongi. one of the most important people in jimins life. even though he doesnt know it just yet.

jimin loves everything about him. his face, his hair, his voice, his personality, everything. although he wouldnt say such things to his face for he had a major fear of being rejected and embarrassed. he knows that yoongi doesnt feel the same way and probably never will so he just keeps his thoughts to himself. they slowly build up inside his head. like that day when jimin said he was cold so yoongi gave him his jacket. or when they went to a themepark and jimin was afraid so yoongi went on the rollercoaster with him. or like when he finally came out to him and yoongi hugged him and told him it would never change their friendship. although they were only small gestures, they meant the world to jimin.

if you couldnt tell by now, jimin had develped a huge crush on the elder boy...

he just wouldnt admit it.

~awesome and definitely not lazy timeskip~

it was a saturday and everyone was hanging out at jimins condo. he had managed to get a good job as a dance teacher in seoul which was one of things he loved about living there. the other things being his frien- ,scratch that, brothers. seokjin, yoongi, hoseok, namjoon, taehyung and jungkook.

they were all just hanging out, eating snacks and playing video games. they all felt like teenagers again and it was honestly refreshing. it was 10pm and jin and namjoon decided to head home since they both had work the next day and namjoon offered to take jin home. honestly, i think namjoon has a crush on him but just wont admit it. but then again, jimin couldnt really talk if that were the case. the next to leave were jungkook and tae and they convinced hoseok to tag along since he had found the alcohol stash in the house and was probably going to have a killer headache in the morning.

so now, it was just jimin... and yoongi.

yoongi decided to stay a little longer which jimin was secretly thankful for. he had heard that there was going to be a huge thunder storm that night. thunder, lightning, hailstones, rain and everything of the sorts. everthing that jimin was not prepared for... at all.

ever since he was born he hated storms. and yes, its normal for a baby to hate storms because of the loud noises but jimin couldnt stand storms all the way through his childhood, teen years and even now in his early twenties. when he was a baby, he was abandoned by his mom. she left him in a basket on the doorstep of a house, in the rain. that was the first time jimin heard thunder. and saw lightning. and felt the cold rain fall onto his skin. he screamed and cried until a couple opened the door. they took him in and raised him as their own. jimin owed them his life. jimin now assumed he must have PTSD after that because ever since that night, hes hated storms. he was never able to look out of the window and be facinated by this phenomenon of nature. instead, they remind him of the icolating feeling of sitting alone in the rain. the almost apocalyptic looking skies as the grey clouds closed in around his mind. the shell-shocking sound of thunder ringing through his ears and the bright white light given by the lighting, clouding his vision for a split second at a time.

it was terrifying,

but yoongi didnt know about any of that.

even though jimin shouldve told him. they vowed to tell eachother everything the day they became bestfriends. but it was just too embarassing. jimin couldnt stand any form of rejection so seeing a wierd look on yoongis face after he told him, and listening to yoongi ask him why hes such a scaredy cat or a crybaby would be too much for him. especially since, at this point, jimins crush on his hyung had grown to an almost unbearable level. he would blush when yoongi said hi, sat next to him, smiled, laughed, spoke, heck jimin would get flustered at yoongi doing so much as breathe next to him.

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