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To flesh out this story let's begin by setting the scene...

Y/N lived in a small town in what seemed like the middle of nowhere; the population never going above 60 or so. She liked it there, it was quiet most of the time and the scenery was absolutely stunning. Relative to her front door and attic window she had this beautiful view of trees for as far as the eye can see and sitting quaintly in the distance was a magnificent mountain, Mt. Ebott. She was always tempted to go and explore the mountain but the townsfolk always swayed her decision, telling her these outlandish stories of miners who would go there to scourage for resources and were never heard from again. At first, these stories would convince her not to go but as time went on they only caused her curiosity to grow.

Y/N herself was a curious woman, hell that's what caused her to move out into the middle of nowhere in the first place. When she was a child she always was getting into situations she had no reason to get into but that never stopped her from trying. She also enjoyed dabbling in a lot of hobbies but never holding one for more than a month; this month's was homemade basket weiving. Aside from her sparatic behavior, she was also quite friendly with the townsfolk. She especially made good friends with the local market owner. He was a sweet fellow, enjoyed talking about how moving out here with his wife was 'the best decision he's ever made' and the what-nots. That always made her think though, what would her romance life be like? She used to date around a little bit as a teenager while living in the city but after graduating and moving out it never was a common thought. Instead of thinking more on these thoughts, however, she just brushed it off as 'oh I'll find the one someday', and continued on with whatever she was doing. 

One night while lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, Y/N had decided that she was going to visit that mountain whether her sweet elderly woman neighbor cared or not. She made a note to apologize to her when she would return and began to pack a small bag... before realizing it was 2 am. 'In the morning I will go', she decided. She proceeded to curl back into bed for the night, knowing she was going to need a well rest to make the journey there.

(Author's Note):
Sorry for how short this one is, it is only the prologue so there will definitely be more to come. I've been putting this remaster off so much that I decided I needed to get something published so here you go.

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