-Chapter 1-

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Authors Note: Wtf what am I doing here writing this again? Oh well, thank you all for the wait and for the SHOCKING 1.2k reads on the original "Void Heart"! I hope these once-every-year-or-so updates shall suffice.


The sun rose quaintly over the small town where Y/N lived. As the sun began to trickle its way into her window, Y/N groaned as her alarm rang '7:30 AM'. Swinging her limp, half-awake arm over, she clicked over the slider on her digital clock. Doing so the small town's radio station began crackling cheerfully through the speakers.

"Good morning neighbors! It is a crisp 7:30 am here in good old Cameron Mines and I'm here to give you your morning news report!"

Y/N cracked her eyes open and stared blankly at her popcorn ceiling, half listening to self-proclaimed newsman Charlie Beckett cheerfully narrating his usual morning antics.

"A good start to the day is knowing the weather, right? Well today appears to be a beautiful sunny day sprinkled with a few wispy clouds. The high today is going to be 82 around 2-oclock and will drop to a shivering 47 around 8 so if you plan to do any nighttime activities, make sure to have that coat handy!"

Standing up, her back draped in the cool morning hue from her window, Y/N baby-stepped her way to the mirror, her knees popping once or twice as she moved. Newsman Beckett's voice slowly lowered as she entered her washroom. She quickly splashed cold water onto her face and shook it dry, darting her eyes to the mirror.

"Good morning me, you ready for a little hike?" Her reflection stared back at her, no other expression shown other than 'hey, I'm awake!' Blowing a raspberry at herself, she quickly scrubbed her teeth and threw her hair up in a hair-tie. Re-entering her bedroom to change, Charlie 'Newsman' Beckett said something that caught her attention;

"On a less sunny note another miner well known for his luck with copper, Mr. Sean Michaels, has gone missing; never returning home from work the previous night. He was sent to Mt. Ebott for a solo expedition, yet never returning. The number of missing citizens climbs to 17 and investigations by local law enforcement are doing everything they can".

Y/N exhaled sorrowfully, Mr. Michaels was a man of about mid-forties and born without his left arm, however he worked damn hard just like all the respected miners in town. He was the main reason the stores and factories had a surplus supply of mineral for their wiring. Face twisting into a contemplative expression, Y/N swung her pack over her shoulder and started for the door.

Locking the front door behind her, Y/N breathed in the sharp scent of the cool morning air; dew hung heavily on the grass and stores began to flip their 'Closed' signs to 'Open'. Eyes moving from the trees dotting the landscape, she stared up at the beast that was Mt. Ebott. Its looming form shadowed the east crop gardens as the sun rose slowly behind it, as if the world were still opening its eyes and waking up. Leaning on her porch railing she shuffled through her bag, checking what sleep-deprived Y/N packed the previous evening. Everything seemed to be in order, even the 50 SPF bug spray-sunscreen combo was there, except for water and some travel snacks. Yanking her plastic bottle from her bag, she shook it out as she began towards the general store. 

Mr. Faraway was sweeping small sticks and leaves off of the porch to his store when he caught sight of Y/N climbing the steps to his establishment.

"Y/N! Good morning dear! What brings you by so early today? I just barely flipped my sign before you appeared". Mr. Faraway was an older gentleman of around 60, face wrinkled but still plump, as was the rest of him. His smile lines were heavy, as it was rare to see this friendly man without a smile plastered to his warm face.

"Oh nothing much Mr. Faraway, needed to grab some trail snacks and some water. Decided to go on an early morning hike today".

"Now ain't that just peachy! Well go right on in hon, the missus is just pulling out some warm bread and muffins from the oven".

"Mama Faraway made muffins? Oh you know her muffins are to die for!" Y/N's face lit up with joy as the scent of cinnamon and blueberries wafted outside from the open window.

"Yes they are haha. Been married to that beautiful woman for 30 years and each and every batch just keeps getting better and better! Now you better git on in there before your precious muffins get cold!"

Y/N thanked Mr. Faraway and walked through into the quaint little shop. The small bell atop the door rang a sweet little tune and a charming voice sung through from the back of the shop.

"Be just a minute dearie!" Mama Faraway's voice carried its way through the store. The older woman appeared from a door leading to the back room, wiping her flour-covered hands on her hand-sewn apron. Looking up from her well-worked hands, she met the cheery eye contact of Y/N and Mama's face began to shimmer like a star. "Oh Y/N! How good it is to see you!" She made her way over to Y/N and pulled her in for a nice hug. Mama Faraway was a short stubby woman, as plump as an apple, and always had a rosy hue to her cheeks. She was a woman of old fashioned traditions and enjoyed her place next to a roaring stove or oven. Looking up at Y/N, her deep brown eyes sparkled. "How have you been darlin'?"

"Awe Mama I've been good! Even better now that I see you! I smelt your amazing muffins and just had to come on in!"

"Well ain't that just perfect! Let me grab you one hon. Come, come!" She led Y/N by the hand into the kitchen. "Anything else you came here for dearie?"

"Oh just some general travel food and water, goin' on a hike today. Ooh, thank you Mama!" Mama Faraway handed her a warm muffin straight from the tray. Biting into it, the warm taste of blueberry and cinnamon filled her mouth with joy as she relaxed her body in bliss.

"It's no trouble dear! I know how much you love my baking haha. Now let me help you with those supplies". Mama and Y/N began to shuffle about the store, chattering about life and the what nots. As Mama began ringing the items up she brought up her usual big question. "You seeing a nice boy yet, dearie? I knows you don't hang out around these here young men very often but maybe one of them will be a sweet guy like my Eddie out there".

Mr. Faraway said something lovey-dovey through the closed door that made the two women laugh. "No I haven't Mama, you know I ain't really lookin' for that kind-a stuff in my life".

"I know dearie-" Mama gestured for money and Y/N handed her a crisp $20, "-but life may be sweeter for you with a man by your side". 

"Oh I don't know Mama. I already live a pretty happy life without a man. Besides all the men here in town my age are all-"

"Absolute idiots? Damn right they are". Mr. Faraway interrupted as he walked into the shop. He leaned his broom onto the wall beside the door and walked over to his wife, kissing her on the forehead. "Honestly Y/N these men here in town ain't nothin'. You continue living your life girl and stay true to yourself". He grabbed the bag of goods from the counter and handed them to Y/N. "Stay safe out there today kiddo".

"You got it Mr. Faraway". Y/N pulled the two into a hug and thanked them for their time. Exiting the store, setting off the little bell on the door, she sat her things down and packed them into her bag. Once done she slung it over her shoulder and began down the road, headed east towards the towering mountain.

'This shouldn't be too bad, just a little walking that's primarily uphill towards a mountain where now 17 people have gone missing, it'll be fine' she sarcastically thought to herself. The sun began to peak over the top of the mountain, dressing the earth below in a warm glow, and the long day ahead had properly begun.


Eddie and Darla Faraway stared out towards the slowly fading Y/N as she hiked on towards Mt. Ebott. Darla sighed, "I'm worried about her Eddie, I really am".

"I know hon, but I know you know why she's goin' up there". Eddie squeezed his wife's hand.

"Yeah, I know dear. I just hope that what happened to her brother doesn't happen to her as well".

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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