Bar Fights

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After dinner me and the lads went to go to the bar to see what they had to drink while Elanor and Gia went  shopping.  I would have went but Harry has spent so much on me lately. I just didn't want to.

"Can we get 5 Crouch Vale Brewers, and What do you want Bree?" Liam asked

"I'll take the same." I said. Liam looked at me a little confused for a minute then ordered it. When we got our drinks Liam said

"You drink beer?" 

"Yeah, what did you expect me to drink some girl drink or something?"

"Yes!" All of the boys said beside Harry.

"Guys, I'm done dating girls who cant drink whisky." Harry said with a wink. I smiled and nodded. Then all of the boys got weird faces. Louis and Harry were mouthing a conversation. I hated when they did it. It's like they are keeping a big secret from me. After a few seconds of an awkward silience Niall spoke up.

"Does that girl look fimilar to you guys?" We all looked over it was she was this older lady. She had obre hair and was about my height maybe taller. 

"Oh my god what is she doing here?" Harry's eyes grew huge. As the lady started walking our way waving.

"I don't know lad, but she's coming our way." Louis said with a concerened sound in his voice.

"Who is she?" I asked demanding an answer. Niall leaned over and whispered in my ear

"That's Harry's ex girl friend Caroline Flack." My eyes grew wide. I mouthed 'OH SHIT' to Harry and he just nodded and signaled me by him. I was cut off by Caroline walking in front of me.

"Hello Harry." She said with a cocky tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello Caroline." Harry said with a disappointed tone.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I'm here for my girlfriends birthday. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for surprise party your throwing me!" I looked at her confused

"What?" Harry asked confused as well. I looked around at the lads. They were also confused.

"You said your here for your girlfriends birthday. Last time I checked, I was your girlfriend." Me and lads eyes grew bigger then they were before.

"Last time you check was 8 months ago, when we BROKE UP!" Harry's voice was getting louder. That's wehen I decided to slip in before there were fist thrown. 

"Hello, I'm Breeze Smith." I said sticking out my hand.

"I'm I DON'T CARE! No can you please get out of the way. I'm trying to talk to my boyfriend. Go over there to the kiddy bar!" She said then slapped me in the face.

I looked at her for a minute. "Who do you think you are?" I said with a snappy tone.

"I'm Caroline Flack. Harry Styles girlfriend."

"No your Caroline Flack. Harry Styles EXGIRLFRIEND."

"May I please ask, who you are little girl?"

"I'm Breeze Smith. Harry Styles REAL GIRLFRIEND." Caroline's eyes just lowered to the ground.

"Really Harry? Your leaving me for a 10 year old." Harry looked at her and nodded. 

"Fine then. Your gonna let a little girl fight your battles. I see how it is." Harry looked down at the ground and his face got sad. I couldn't take him being sad. 

"Oh Caroline, one thing before you leave." I say with an agressive tone.

"What is it?" She asked an annoyed tone.

"Payback." I said then punched her square in the face. She turned her head. "That's for slapping me bitch." I said before she walked out.

"I'm sorry, Harry she was getting on my nerves. I just had too." I said sadly.

"Breeze it's fine and by the way you got a nice right hook." He said with a happy smile

"One of the many things my dad taught me." I said and we all laughed.

"Let's got get your face cleaned up. It looks like soome of her jewlery scratched your face when she hit you." Harry said in a protective way.

"Alright." We walked into the bathroom. He came into the ladies because I was one of the only girls at the bar.

"Here put this on your face." Harry said handing me a wet towel. I pressed it hard.

"Harry, did I just make you look like a wimp in front of the lads?"

"Oh no, they knew there wasn't anything I could do about it. If she slapped me I couldn't hit her back. I would have to go to jail."

"Good, because the last thing I wanted to do was make you look like a wimp."

"No your fine. It was actually nice to see Caroline get a taste of her own medicine." I smiled.

"Okay good." He kissed my nose.

"You looked pretty sexy out there in those shoes and that dress." 

"Good." I said winking at him.

"Next time if it's Andrew again. I'll take the punch okay?"

I laughed and said "Alright."

Harry picked me up off the table. 

"Harry what was that thing that you and Louis were talking about."

"It was nothing, love."

"You would tell me if it was right?"

"Of course. I can't keep anything from you." He smiled putting his arm around my waist.

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