6: You're A Drama Queen

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I only stared at the ticket, Charlie was grinning widely at me and I could not utter anything but a weak, "So what?"

"So, we're gonna see them again!" she enthusiastically replied and all I could do was stare at her for a few seconds.

Laying my arm above my eyes, I ignored the annoying woman and laid on my side. My exhausted body could not bear any more drama today so when sleep started crawling on me, I hugged it and let the darkness take over me.

I woke up at the smell of garlic and butter but there was something eerie about it. Investigating where I was with half-opened eyes, I saw Charlie sitting on the single sofa. She was holding a bowl of popcorn and I could hear the faint sounds from the television now. I fell asleep on the couch, huh.

Charlie barely glanced at me when I sat up. "Good. You're up," she said and stood up from her chair. She put the popcorn down and picked up her phone from the table. She ushered me to follow her and I did whilst stumbling all over. I had to lean on the railings of the staircase to support my weight. My sight was all blurry and I felt like puking all over. What the fuck is happening to me?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. I could hear Charlie's voice calling me over and over but it sounded like it was muffled by water. My eyes shot open when it finally registered to me. I was drowning.

The coldness of the water hit me like a freight train and I struggled to swim upwards. However, with just a faint light illuminating my surroundings, I wasn't sure where the hell was up and down nor left and right. I was lost in a never-ending sea and I could feel the oxygen leaving my body rapidly, like the sands in an hourglass with a bigger hole than what was normal.

I was shouting, I knew I was, but I couldn't seem to hear myself and it was making me frustrated. I didn't know where I was nor what was happening and I let out a strangled cry. Bubbles formed from my lips and instead of floating up, it was going down.

I might be facing the wrong direction.

With a sense of urgency, I tried angling my body downwards, my head now pointed to where the bubbles disappeared to and I tried my best to swim. Flickers of lights could be seen and I kicked my legs harder and faster before black dots could cover my sight.

I gasped as soon as I reached the surface. My arms and legs were sore from the intense swim but my mind didn't register the pain. Instead, I was forced to put my attention on something else. The sky was dim, a sign that a storm was coming. The howling of the wind sounded muffled against my ears and my body was almost ice-cold. I tried to look for the shore but all I could see was the cliff some distance away from me. I tried going towards it, yet it felt like hours had passed but I was stuck in the same place.

I felt warm tears fell down my face as hopelessness invaded my being. With trembling hands and face facing the dark sky, I let drift together with the cold breeze. The water was getting deeper and it swallowed me whole. Darkness enveloped even my close lids and water was filling my throat until everything stopped.

"Cav!" A shout woke me up and I was left gasping for air. My hand reached out to the nearest object and my fists enclosed on some cotton. Shooting my eyes open, I saw my Mom with a terrified look on her face while clutching my shoulders.

"Mom," I mumbled and she enveloped me in a hug. I sobbed against her chest and I felt her hold on me tightened. I repeated her name over and over again as if a chant to keep my demons at bay.

It had always been like this. I would dream about drowning and dying and I would wake up running out of breath. Doctors have told me that it was a side effect of the crash and I would have to live with it for the rest of my life. It was some kind of trauma that formed into my worst nightmare that kept chasing after me and getting me by the collar. Suffocating. Exhausting.

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