4: Meet the Stairguys from hell

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I tilted my head before saying, "I hate that look on your face."

The blond guffawed so hard he was gasping for breath after a few moments. The other guys behind him were laughing, too, that I felt out of place. When none of them talked, I made a move to get away from them again.

However, the slightly curly haired raven said, "We need your help."

"With?" I replied. I was glad to be of help, however, there was something fishy about these people that I continued. "Don't answer that. I have to go. Sorry."

And without much of a glance, I left the five guys on the staircase.

And without much of a glance, I left the five guys on the staircase

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Sighing deeply, I ate my ice cream furiously. Bits and pieces of the creamy goodness flew on my face that I wiped my face roughly. My mind was focused on the weird boys earlier. They're so fucking suspicious.

I tried to scoop some frozen delight when I noticed that my cup was empty. I stood up to get another, briefly looking at my phone for any sign of Charlie. However, before I could even utter a single word, a shriek echoed in the store. I stared dumbfounded at the girl at the cashier as she hyperventilated or something.

"Oh, my gee! Oh! Ohhh my god!" She repeated those a few more times until I slammed my hand on the counter, gaining a bit of her attention. 

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Could I have one Large Vanilla Blizzard? Please."

"No! Make it six!" A shout erupted behind me. I looked back and saw the five guys from the staircase. For everyone's convenience, let's call them, "The Stairguys."

Baffled, I turned my body towards them so fast that I almost got a whiplash. "Who told you to-?"

"Don't worry, love!" The Lou guy beamed at me. "I'll pay for it!" he chirped as he repeatedly patted my head while bouncing on his feet.

Another shriek came from the girl and I huffed annoyingly. Can this girl shut the fuck up? The boys were grinning like Cheshire cats and I stepped aside to let them order first. Actually, scrap that. I decided to look for my cousin instead. The boys did not stop me when I started walking away, I don't think they need to since I pretty much stopped in my tracks when the girl on the cashier uttered five words that made me hate the number five.

"OMG! It's really One Direction!" she shouted. Her face was bright pink for a second, and the next, she went so pale that I was not surprised when she fell to the ground, unconscious.

The rest of the people inside the shop (which was around three) jumped from their seats and barged towards the five guys. Could hardly believe what the girl said, I searched up the net.

I looked back and forth to the boys being surrounded by the crowd. Their faces showed pure discomfort, but still recognizable to prove that they really are my most hated quote-unquote boy band. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Hoo-fucking-rah!

Staring back and forth from them to the door, I bolted into a run. Being caught in a drama was not on my list this summer so I tried to escape the place. As I was going to pull the door open, a buffy guy blocked my way and one of the shop's employees put a chain on the door, locking us in.

This situation frustrated the hell out of me. The locked door, the loud shrieking and shouting of the fans, this macho piece of shit staring me down behind his sunglasses, the boys laughing sardonically-- everything was too much for me.

"CAN EVERYONE JUST FUCKING STOP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone turned their attention to me and I glared at them. The boys had the guts to smile sheepishly while their fans glared back.

"Hey, take a chill pill," the quiff-haired said. I turned back to my phone to check who's who. Apparently, that one was Zayn pronounced as zeyn, then there was Louis or Lou. And Niall like the Nile river, then Liam, and the one with the most pronounceable name, Harry.

"Zaynie, dear, I am chill," I replied with much hostility. They snickered and one girl, who was about twelve or whatever marched towards me.

She pointed a finger at me and said in the most shrilly voice ever, "Show some respect!"

Frowning at her, I scoffed. "Aren't you supposed to be telling that to yourself, kid?" She huffed indignantly and cowered behind one of the boys. I was going to retort some more when the civilians were ushered by the employee towards a backdoor. I followed them silently when for the nth time today, I was stopped. "Oh fuck me, what do you want?"

"Well, it's nice of you to ask but we're going to need your help," Liam said.


They looked at each other then grinned. "With getting out of here."

I was tired with all this pointless shit that I only muttered in response. "Fine. What do I do?"

They explained to me the situation. Apparently, they went here via cab. Such idiocy, tbh. How they fit in one with that burly guy on the door, I would not know. With the shriek and commotion that happened in the store, people now surrounded the front doors, the only possible way out was through the back door. However, walking towards the cab bay would attract attention.

Thus, all in all, their main dilemma was a ride going back to their hotel.

"Can't you just call somebody to pick you up?" I asked and everyone shook their heads 'no'. I had rather not pry and decided to get my cell phone out of my pockets. The boys looked at me questioningly and I held up a finger.

I dialled my cousin's number. On the third ring, Charlie answered the call.

"Cav? I'm almost done. Is something wrong?"

"I'd consider it wrong, but on your part? I think not," I replied. I heard her sighed impatiently. "Okay, okay. I need you to meet me in the parking lot in five."

Before she could ask anything else, I hung up. I turned to the boys and motioned them to sit behind the counter. Flashing lights caught my attention and I was pretty sure that some of the paparazzi were here. We have to move fast.

"Okay, so, I'll drive you all back to wherever you came from. I'll have to meet my cousin since I'm her ride. I need you all to stay put. I'll go through the back door, and once you hear three knocks." I paused and made a knocking sound against the counter. "Just then you open the door. Understood?"

A scream resonated outside and we all looked back as more people crowded the door. "Hopefully no one's gonna block the door," Niall commented off-handedly. The boys nodded their head.

I got up and picked up my bags. I waved to the boys and took a deep breath. I turned the knob of the door and walked out.

I feel like I'm fucked. Big time.

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