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It felt like a dream. Or a nightmare, no one really knew. All they could understand was that Nairobi was dead. 

Gandía murdered her, and it was partly the group's fault for believing that he would let her go. Viena felt stupid. Like utterly ignorant that she let herself believe that he would let her live. And she failed to keep Nairobi safe. She failed to keep Gandía under control, and she failed in killing him. She felt like a failure.

There wasn't anything anyone could say or do to snap her out of her guilt. Viena would carry that feeling with her for the rest of her life. 

Viena was spiraling. While Bogotá was silent and hurt, and Helsinki was crying next to her body, Viena sobbed into Río and her mind spiraled. For a split second, she wanted to break the news to Tokio, but remembered that she wasn't there. That Tokio, too, could be dead, and no one knew. That thought broke her more.

Even after Denver chased after Gandía and threw a grenade into the the governor's bathroom, where the panic room was, Viena felt nothing. She didn't care if she lived or died anymore, she couldn't seem to get a grip on reality.

Even after someone had draped a long, white cloth over Nairobi's lifeless body, Viena held onto Río for dear life. She hadn't let go of him since Nairobi was shot, and she was afraid of letting go. Viena was afraid of being alone now. 

She was numb as she sat on the bottom staircase, eyes locked on the stagnant body on the floor. Leaning her head on Río's shoulder, she blinked blankly. Río slung an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her tight, comfortingly. 

"What do we even do now?" She whispered.

Río sighed, sniffling. "We rescue Tokio and capture Gandía." 

"No, that's not what I mean." She mumbled. "What do we do without her? Everything's going to be different now. I- I-"

Viena stood up, disoriented just as Río looked up at her concerned. "Viena I think you should-"

She put a hand out to stop him as she walked across the room. "No!" 

It was like she was dissociating. Like she was floating or looking down on herself. She felt like she was floating outside of reality. She was in shock, for sure, but there was something else too that was haunting her. She just didn't know what it was.

Roma paced the walkway with the Professor. They had been radio silent for a few hours, and it was worrying her. Marsella had left to retrieve information from another country, and Roma was tasked with staying with the Professor to help.

She had an earpiece of her own, as he decided that she needed to be in the know of what was going on inside the bank. The brunette picked at her nails in nervousness, pacing around, waiting for news.

And then she flinched at the sound of static in her ear. "We found the panic room." Palermo informed, a melancholy tone in his voice. "Gandía locked himself inside. He's wounded, and he's got Tokio."

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