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Pansy was happy. How could she not be when she was out in Hogsmeade, with Blaise, holding his hand? She hadn't really thought that he'd agree to come, to be perfectly honest, but Theo's words had been ringing in her mind to just bloody well ask him out already, so what had she been supposed to do? Part of her can't believe she'd done it.

Thank Salazar he'd agreed, otherwise Theo would have been a goner.

Blaise seemed happy as well. He was smiling gently, and his hand was warm and soft where she was holding it. She didn't want to push her luck and snuggle into him just yet, but she was absolutely prepared to do so later on.

It was a lovely night, she mused. The stars were glittering in the sky like jewels, the breeze scarce, and there was a lovely chill that was just the right temperature for a night like this. Hogsmeade was quiet, only a few students discernible in the limited visibility. It had been decreed that Hogsmeade would be open to seventh and eighth years outside of lesson times due to their growing independence, but the younger years would still have scheduled trips with permission from their parents. And thank Salazar for that because it meant that no ankle-biters could ruin her date.

She hoped it was a date, anyway. She hoped for a lot of things. She hoped that Blaise would kiss her, that they would finally have a relationship and that he'd shut up about Draco.

She understood completely, of course. It was not that she wanted to disregard Draco at all, because she of all people had seen him at his worst. She understood Blaise's need to talk about him, to reassure himself that Draco would be fine without him, especially after his dizzy spell this morning. Pansy knew this; she understood this.

But this was a date, dammit! Between her and Blaise, not between Blaise and Draco. She would hardly be surprised if they turned around one day and admitted that they were secretly in love with each other, if it weren't for Potter, though she hoped that wasn't the case. Besides, she was fairly certain that Blaise was straight.

Blaise and Pansy. Not Blaise and Draco. Blaise and Pansy.

"Blaise, honey?" She said, smiling up at him. And it was most definitely up given that he was a bloody giraffe. "You know Draco's okay, right?" Then she remembered the strange conversation she'd heard in the common room, debating whether or not to tell him.

Blaise paused, having been cut off from a spiel about how Draco was in fact, not okay. "I literally just said – Wait, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He said. He halted abruptly and turned to face her, his expression contrite. "I'm sorry."

Pansy frowned, feigning confusion. "For what?" She asked, knowing full well what he was apologising for.

"For being a lousy date. I've been talking about Draco all night instead of realising how lucky I am to be on a date with a beautiful girl. I'm sorry." He smiled shyly at her, though she knew immediately this was merely an act. There was nothing shy about Blaise Zabini in the slightest. He was being coy.

If only her mother could see her now. Merlin, she'd be having a fit. Well, screw her mother.

She blushed, blinking up at him through her eyelashes. Beautiful, he'd said. He thought she was beautiful. "It's okay. I get it. Draco can be... worrying sometimes."

He raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes?"

"Well, most of the time." She amended. "At least he sleeps enough now. And isn't quite so anxious about apologising to anyone and everyone who'll listen." Of this she was glad, having hated the sight of the heavy bags that seemed to be permanent fixtures beneath his dull eyes.

Regret, Remorse, Hold On || DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now