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Welcome to the re-written version on His Blogger! I hope you all love it as much as I'm loving rewriting it! You'll notice a lot has changed, but I added more depth to the characters' personality.


Hot, sweaty bodies writhing against each other. Men intentionally groping any woman they can get their hands on. Blaring music that sent your eardrums on the verge of imploding.

It's one of those things you initially think you'll love.

Drinking your problems away, finding an attractive man to fuck you in vomit infested bathrooms.

And then you get there... and hate every single second of it.

Somehow, my roommate convinced me to accompany her at Ivy, a popular nightclub amongst the young Boston University students. I was here to make sure she didn't leave with any strange men, and to be her designated cab caller.

Neither of us owned cars.

I was basically a safety net, and someone who often woke up with an alcohol induced migraine... so maybe my assignment to be her body guard wasn't the brightest of ideas.

Although I was no stranger to partying, clubs always radiated a certain level of danger that clung to me like a opposite poles of a magnet.

It was the vagueness of it all, never knowing who anybody is, drinking whatever is given, trusting the people around you not to make a pass at your body.

"Dude, I'm going to the bathroom" Skye winked, gulping down the rest of her whiskey. She had appeared from the crowd of swaying bodies with a man attached at her hips. Large hands wrapped around her waist, sensually trailing up to her exposed cleavage. Both of their chests heaved excitedly, shadowed by the dim bar lights. The mans face, still unrecognizable, emitted a course chuckle and a drawn out breath.

"We wont be long"

I nodded and lifted my glass. "Cheers to that" I sipped my hard liquor, watching the couple stumble towards a dark hallway. "Use protection!" My voice followed, scarcely heard under the blasting beats created by the D.J.

"Cheers" I smiled drunkenly, shaking my head at the bartender. She threw a towel over her shoulder, laughing softly.

"You know, I haven't seen you here in a while. Suprised your roommate convinced you to come back" She bellowed over the music, leaning against the bar casually. I nodded, tossing back the remainder of tequila. The glass sat in the palm of my hand, intricately capturing my attention with it's peculiar engraved design.

"Duty calls, she needs a wing-girl" I shrugged, examining the glass further. "I'd much rather drink in the comfort of my home"

The bartender grunted in acknowledgment, locking eyes with mine. She knowingly scanned my body, gaze lingering on my breasts.

"Well, I'm happy to give you some company, if your up for it" The woman drew her teeth over red stained lips, making sure to push out her chest.

I giggled nervously, suddenly having the urge to accept her offer.

"Buy me a drink first" I stuttered, watching her fingers wrap around my glass. The woman drew closer to my face, and me to hers. Maybe it was the six glasses of tequila, or maybe I was suddenly attracted to woman... but fuck this girl knew how to work it.

"Kiss me" I breathed, leaning into her magnetic lips. She pressed her mouth into mine, our hot breaths mixing into a concoction of arousal. I forced my tongue into her throat, moaning roughly.

Suddenly, an arm sharply pulled me from the interaction, causing me to clamp me teeth on the other woman's lips. She groaned and close her eyes, seemingly savoring our encounter.

"A parting gift" I chuckled, turning towards the owner of the arm.

"Dan, you're straight, remember?" Skye frowned, eyeing the bartender sympathetically. "I'm sorry, she's really plastered, we need to leave"

With that, I was tugged towards the exit of the building and placed on the cool cement sidewalk. Nausea swirled around my head, making me sway from left to right.

"How is it that every time you get shitfaced, kissing women is the first thing you do?" Skye laughed, typing into her phone. " Stop kissing innocent people please, one of these days it'll become assault."

I laid my head on the ground, moaning in satisfaction from the coolness. It was a pleasurable difference compared to the sauna inside of the club.

"Hey!" I yelled suddenly, pointing an accusatory finger. My eyelids drooped tiredly, closing and opening in fatigue. "I can k-kiss who I want. It's life my!"

She quirked a brow, cocking her hip out sassily.

"Reverse those last two words" I mumbled, laying back down on the ground. Skye's faint voice talked into the speaker of her cell phone, requesting a cab.

"Need some help with her?" A male voice invaded our near-silent presence, and assuming he was referring to me, I shut my eyes calmly.

"No help is needed sir, thank you very much." I shouted, staying in my same position. My body was frozen to the cement, unwilling to follow my brains command.

"Actually yeah that would be great, I'm Skye" Skye accepted his offer and greeted him.


I scoffed, rolling to my back. "Danielle Accola" I stuck out my hand, waiting for the man to shake it.

"Can you open your eyes?" He asked suddenly, kneeling down to my level. My nose scrunched as a headache grew in the depths of my brain.

"I don't know, can a pig fly?" I snapped, waving my arm towards the man's direction. He gripped my wrist suddenly, squeezing painfully hard.

"Alright smartass, up you go" He sighed, forcing me to my feet.

"Fuck you, Adam" I groaned, dizziness rushing to my head. The man hoisted me over his shoulder, walking towards the incoming cab.

"It's Ace"

Vomit rose to my throat at the harsh movements, and I released my stomach contents on the back of his leg.

But, before I could issue any apologies, my consciousness was taken away from me, and darkness quickly fell over Danny's drunk world.

His Blogger V2Where stories live. Discover now