Every Bot needs a human

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I nod and stretch. Ratchet pushes me back down on the stasis bed.

"Easy there I'll have to send a message to Optimus and the others to let them know," he says.

"Gotcha docbot. You know depending on where we are you guys could probably dig up a Jeep or something for me," I say looking at the kids.

"In Arizona," Miko asks.

"Heh yeah I think we can do that," Jack says hopping up.

"Welcome to the team Tetrea," Wrath says.

"Thanks kid," I say laying back.

Miles away a woman gets out of her car and kicks it hard. Her raven hair flies out of her ponytail. The desert sun beats down on her as she stomps her boot.

"Damn piece of junk you break down on my way to work on my first day of work," she screams.

She pulls out her phone and curses again, no signal. As the smoke spews from the engine her phone vibrates and a weird icon flashes. She blinks as her phone connects to the network.

"Ahh yeah, I'm on my way my car just died all of a sudden on that road by the mountain," Neya says looking around.

"Ahh yeah that stretch is an engine killer sometimes. Didn't anyone warn you," the voice on the phone says.

"What the..., no, nobody in the 2 weeks I've been here did," she glares at her phone.

"Listen I'll send someone to get you. Just hang tight," the voice says.

"Damnit, Agent Fowler is going to have my ass," she says looking at her car.

Later Agent Fowler slumps into his chair. 

"Hey Ratchet how much longer before our new recruit is ready to head out into town," he asks.

"Hmm I still want to check her weapon systems out but everything else seems fine. If she goes in her human disguise I guess we can go after I finish this scan," the cranky medic says.

"Awesome, we can totally show the new girl boy around town," Miko jumps excitedly.

A few minutes later they are looking at a 6' 2" red head with a pixie cut. Looking like she is wearing leggings and a patterned shirt she shifts. Her peachy skin tone flashes pink as she blushes.

"What am I that strange? I can change my appearance now if I stand out too much," Tetrae says as Kim.

"Uhhhh," Jack says.

"Forgive Mr. Eloquent here you look awesome," Wrath says.

"Yeah you look awesome. What did you say you did before you got capped," Miko asked

"I was going to be an Assistant Project Manager for a defense contractor," Tetrae says.

"Seriously? That's so cool," Wrath says.

"Well I started my life here as a kid who loved technology but that may have been influenced by being tech, hehe," Tetrae says.

"Well how long can you keep this form," Fowler asks.

"My systems say about a week without eating or Energon but honestly that will tap my reserves and possibly put me into stasis lock. Thanks to my systems though if I have to I can eat any organic matter," Tetrae says looking at her arm that glows.

"Well let's load up, I think it's time you meet the other new recruit," Fowler says.

Well what do you think?

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