A Mix of Human and Cybertronian

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I do not own Transformers.

"Ahh your settings are returning to normal," Ratchet says.

I turn and smile as I look myself up and down. I am standing over 9 feet and even with the Energon tap I feel my tubes filling. My once odd shape now makes more sense. The coils of my nanotubes and frame stretch.

"Wow based on your data it's a surprise your form could shrink so small to be a baby," Wrath says looking at a screen.

I smile and lean over. A nanofilament connects with his computer. A graphic pops up on his computer. My mind pulses and I hear the computer chirp in response. I feel traces of an AI in there. I send silent instructions to the laptop as the programs optimize. My habit of mental multitasking comes in handy as I instruct the computer's programs with one part of my mind and start talking.

"You see for lack of a better terms I am a fusion of a human and Cybertronian. My main body is made of nanotubes that can shrink down to nanofilaments," the image shows my tubes shrink and grow.

"Those filaments have nanoparticles. That mimic blood and it's components. Inside I do have a human skeleton but my nanotechnology is fully integrated," the image shows my nanoparticles mixed in with my blood and in my bones.

"In fact my human core is what allows me to process organic matter into energy. It's not enough for anything higher than survival. I mean I couldn't even run a scan or open a com line. Honestly it's a miracle you found me," I say.

"Wait you can eat food and everything? Do you poop," Miko asks.

The agent face palms and Ratchet looks angry. Jack slaps a hand over her mouth. I just smile.

"I did, I still had to eliminate the waste. Yet after the reset of getting shot it feels like my nanoparticles are reconfiguring things," I say.

Ratchet waves a tool over my body and looks back to the screen.

"Fascinating, it seems like your human and Cybertronian systems are fully integrated," Ratchet says.

"Hey how long have I been out," I ask.

"We found you 3 days ago. I took a jump in the land bridge after I got a very weak and very old Cybertronian pulse. We found your body next to a white car. I loaded you into my back seat," Rachet says.

"Don't worry, all your items are still in it. I had the guys tow it to a secured impound lot," the agent says.

I sigh and get comfortable in the metal table.

"Thanks, I'll have to call my human family soon. You know to let them know I'm ok," I say.

"Here ya go. You can use mine," Miko says holding up her phone.

I stretch a filament out and connect through the data port. I feel a click and send the signals for each number while giving the information from my old phone as the ID. I wait for the call to connect. In those seconds I seem to tap in to the whole cell grid but keep my faceplate clear. Meanwhile my mind is tracing down everything connection and logging where certain numbers are responding from.

"Hey, Kim, are you ok? Your new job called because you never showed," my dad says.

"Yeah umm, I just had an unexpected opportunity fall into my lap, so to speak and I couldn't pass it up. The good news is I got a great new job that is even better than the other one. The bad news is my phone got run over when I got out from accepting it. I'll try and call again sooner," I say.

"Well you know your mom and I are so happy for you. What's this new position," my dad asks.

"It's a liaison position, between government and civilian agencies. It's going to be a lot of work and travel but I'm finally getting to use my skills in a meaningful way," I respond.

"Well it sounds like it. Don't forget to send a message to the rest of the family and remember. We are so proud of you. If you have any questions call me or your mom. Now Kim I hate to do this dear," he says.

"But my timing struck again and you're in the middle of something. Ok I love you dad. Tell mom I love her too bye," I say with a smile.

"Bye dear and again congrats on the position," my dad says.

I hang up and didn't realize the phone was on speaker.

"Nicely done," the man says. "I'm Agent Fowler and I'll get to work setting your cover up. Shouldn't be too hard."

"Well the funny thing is I have my resume and stuff in my car. You know just in case things didn't work out," I say and lay back.

"So you really have a human family," Jack says.

"Yep, I mean until recently I thought I was human. I mean until I was shot and left for dead," i say.

"What?!" Miko screams.

"Don't worry a bullet won't kill me. My human brain has been changed over to nanotubes and particles for a bit. I mean it hurt and it ripped some tubes but I'm already fixed thanks to a good dose of Energon," I say tapping my head.

"Still, I'll get him removed from his position. That screams a hate crime and someone not suited to be cop," Fowler says.

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