asking questions

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Later that night

Amy and Ty were cuddling on the couch.

"Amy?" Asked Ty softly.

"Yeah?" Asked Amy matching his tone.

"How long was I gone?" Asked Ty.

"I'm not going to answer that " said Amy knowing that the answer would shatter Ty.

" please Amy lyndy said something about me being in heaven when she saw me which means everyone thought I was dead please I need to know" said Ty.

" don't say I didn't warn you" said Amy.

" please just tell me" said Ty.

" a year-and-a-half" said Amy carefully.

Before he could even process what was happening" Ty started sobbing.

"It's okay honey "  said Amy trying to console him.

" I'm so sorry Amy " said Ty sobbing.

"Look at me right now" said Amy sternly.

" you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for " said Amy in a firm but loving tone.

" I always said sometimes I would always be there for you and any kids we had  and I failed " said Ty.

"No you didn't " said Amy softly, rubbing his back.

"Yes I did lyndy didn't remember me" said Ty.

This is when Katie was sitting into the kitchen eating a snack spoke up.

" okay I wasn't going to say anything but this is getting ridiculous" Katie announced.

" Katie" hissed Amy.

" what she remembered who he was she was just extremely confused cuz we've all been telling her that he's dead" said Katie.

" really?" Asked Ty .

" yep we had an entire conversation about it she thought Amy was crazy?" Said Katie

" well she's not wrong" said Ty smiling.

" you're lucky I missed you" said Amy smiling.

" I think my work here is done" said Katie walking away.

" are you feeling a little better?" Asked Amy.

" I still feel a little guilty but now I just want to pretend it never happened but that's not going to happen is it?" Asked Ty.

" no I don't think it can but I think I know what you're thinking and you can ask" said Amy  .

" rapid fire?" Asked Ty.

" sure that might be fun" said Amy.

" where'd she come from?" Asked Ty.

" I adopted Parker from Foster Care she takes some getting used to but she's fun afterwards" said Amy .

" I bet"  said Ty smiling.

" next question? " Asked Amy.

" Luke knows? " Asked Ty.

" sweetheart everybody know everybody was devastated" said Amy truthfully.

" what about my mom is she using again? " Asked Ty.

" she was but she's better now" said Amy.

She pause for a second.

" bring your mom I should probably call her I haven't done that yet and if I wait any longer she's going to be mad at me" said Amy.

" can we maybe not do that at least not yet?" Asked Ty .

" I have to be honest that the terrible idea said  Amy 

" I know but I just got home and I wanted to be just our little family for a while" said Ty.

" I understand that baby I really do but put yourself in her shoes free thinks you're dead you need to tell her that you're not" said Amy.

" and I will but not tonight "  said Ty.

" that's fine " said Amy.

" thank you " said Ty gratefully ..

" can I ask you a question?" Asked Amy.

" shoot" said Ty.

" what happened?" Asked Amy softly.

" that day? " Asked Ty.

" yeah " said Amy.

" well I left for work and on my way I saw the train explode and I didn't know it was a cargo train at the time so I got hours of the truck I could have to see if there was anyone in it so I walked through the fire and I realized there was nobody there so I turned around go back the truck and it was engulfed in flames so I knew I had to out of there so I ran until I couldn't see the Flames anymore by the time I couldn't see the Flames anymore I also thought a sign and it didn't say Hudson I didn't you know where I was and I was so disoriented but I couldn't figure it out and detect my phone I want to see if I could get cell service to call you I couldn't but my news app on my phone still worked and I was still getting alerts from Hudson and I saw but there in order to evacuate then my phone died and at that moment I knew I had to do whatever I could to get home to you and lyndy I just never dreamed it would take a year-and-a-half and I never dreamed how good it would feel to finally be home" said Ty.

" oh honey I'm so sorry that must have been terrifying" said Amy .

" it was I was so scared that I would never make it home but I promised you a long time ago that I would fight my way back can you and lyndy " said Ty getting emotional.

" well you kept your promise and I'm so glad you did because living life without you was hell"  Amy admitted.

" I am so sorry you had to go through that " said Ty feeling guilty.

" it's okay I'm okay now because I know we're going to build a future together and I can't wait to move into our new house and start that future" said Amy.

" you kept building it? " Asked Ty surprised.

" of course it was your dream I couldn't let that go" said Amy. 

" well now you don't have to" said,Ty.

" on a side note not that I'm not enjoying this it's been like the best but can we go to bed?" Asked Amy.

Okay but can we put lyndy in bed with us ?" Asked Ty .

"Of course "  said Amy softly.

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