When Peter Met Wanda - Part Two

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Last Time On Wandavision. 

After Peter had found himself in this mysterious suburban neighbourhood he thought he was safe enough, but after Wanda had show him another side of her kind natured self it left Peter wondering if he was really safe in Westview.


When Peter Met Wanda - Part Two

Wanda had returned to her cheery old self by the time she went to sit down on the steps of her porch, it was like everything that had just happened inside of her home had been forgotten. It was like someone had wiped her memory clean, it was totally weird. Peter closed the door behind him and joined Wanda on the steps, she smiled at him before she licked some ice cream away from her cone.  

Peter sucked some ice cream away from the side of the finger while he took a look around the garden, it was actually quite nice outside. The sun was shinning and the sky was blue, it was a perfect summer's day. There were flowerbeds and birds singing in the treetops, it was a normal looking neighbourhood. He shuffled a few spaces along the step when a wasp buzzed around his ice cream, he tried to shoo it away with his hand but it wouldn't leave him alone. But without any warning the little wasp disappeared in a puff of red smoke, he looked at Wanda and she wiggled her fingers at him with a smile on her face.

" Thanks." Peter said.

" You're welcome." Wanda smiled. 

" Morning Wanda!" A man called.

" Morning Herb!" Wanda smiled.

Peter looked over to were the man's voice had come from, he saw a smartly dressed man waving at Wanda. He was carrying briefcase, he looked like he was on his way to work. He stopped by the dividing wall between his and Wanda's house, he then continued to speak with Wanda in a cheerful speaking tone. 

" It's a lovely day for an ice cream." Herb said. 

" Yes, yes it is." Wanda said. 

" Who's the young man with you?" Herb asked. 

" Oh, this is Peter." Wanda replied while she touched Peter's arm. " Peter, this is my neighbour. His name is Herb."

" Hey." Peter said.

" Hey there buddy, would you like to hear a joke before I go to work?" Herb asked cheerfully. " It's an ice screamer, do you get it?"

" Yeah, I do." Peter smiled. 

" Tell us your joke, Herb." Wanda said. 

" Okay." Herb said, he rested his briefcase on the wall and thought for a moment. " How does it go now? Let me think, oh yeah! I remember it now. How is ice cream as a girlfriend?"

" I don't know, how is ice cream as a girlfriend?" Wanda asked. 

" The sweetest." Herb laughed.

" Oh Herb, you're so funny!" Wanda laughed.

Peter heard the crowd of people laughing once again, he would love to know where it kept coming from. Herb seemed like a nice and friendly guy, but he was too cheerful which freaked Peter out slightly. Everyone in Westview was acting weird, it made it worse that he couldn't get Darcy's warning message out if his head. Peter licked some ice cream away from his top lip before he spoke again, he had just thought of a joke of his own to share with Wanda and Herb. 

" I've got a joke, would you both like to hear it?" Peter asked. 

" Sure, I'd love to hear your joke." Herb replied before he checked his watch. " You better tell it fast, I'm running late for work."

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