Chapter 20

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   Sarah lay her head against Zander's naked chest, their first night back together again had been a passion filled one. Outside, an atom bomb could have exploded but there would have been no difference to them. Instead, music from the bedside cabinet closest to Zander was the thing which broke his peace and it was followed half a second later by Sarah's phone. Zander groaned as he turned and stretched his arm across the bedside cabinet to reach for the mobile.

'Hello' both he and Sarah answered in sync with the other.

'Ok mum, calm down. I'll be there in...' Sarah looked to the alarm clock and then to Zander, as she tried to study the level of lust in his eye ' hour or so' she eventually decided.

'I'll get ready now and be with you shortly' Zander announced, as Sarah was terminating her own call. 'That was mum' he told her as he detached the duvet from his body and spun his bottom half towards the floor.

'It sounded rather urgent.'

'Yeah, mine too. It's a bit strange that we both get a call at the same time, it's as if they planned it.'

Zander was already out of bed and clothed as Sarah still lay there, in no hurry to move, despite the promise to her mother. 'Maybe they want to persuade us to get married, now that I'm "with child,"'

Zander kneeled beside her and slid his hand under the covers so that he cupped it over her growing stomach. 'Then we'll tell them to sod off, let us do things our own way.'

Sarah's expression glazed over, as if she was offended by Zander's tone or the words that he used. 'Are you saying you wouldn't marry me?'

Zander sniggered as he bowed his head between his arms and shook it from side to side in amusement. Only when he lifted his head again did he see the serious expression on Sarah's face and hurt in her eyes.

'Well, I wouldn't say I never want to get married' he replied honestly 'just not right now I'm still getting used to the idea of being a dad.' His hand was still placed on her stomach from earlier and he squeezed it gently, placing a soft kiss on her cheek for clarity.

'Come on, you'd best get up before they call again' he ripped the duvet cover off, revealing her own naked body, his action forced her to hurriedly sit from her position and gather her clothes together.

'I'll make you breakfast, you can't keep your strength up on an empty stomach.' Zander called up to her as he reached the bottom of the stairs.


Debbie Smythe was pacing the garden as Zander pulled up outside her home, she waved her hand desperately to hurry her daughter inside. 'I hope it's not dad' Sarah panicked with suddenness but still took enough time from her anxiety filled head to feel the softness of Zander's lips on hers again.

'I'm sure it won't be, remember, I got an almost identical call from my folks too.'

'Yeah right enough' she agreed 'I suppose we'd better get it sorted then.' Sarah kissed him again and watched as he drove off.

Debbie rushed out of the garden as Sarah approached and hurriedly grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer to the home. 'I hope this is important, otherwise I've wasted a perfectly decent day.'

'Tell me nothing happened between you two last night.' Debbie urged as she violently, but carefully pushed Sarah inside. She indicated that she wanted Sarah to sit in the living room and gave her no time to respond to her statement.

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