Chapter 2

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•Sakura's POV•

Class ended and it was time for lunch. Sakura sometimes pack his lunch, but usually he doesn't eat. But this time, he actually brought lunch to school. He spotted Korekiyo, Kokichi, and Ryoma sitting together by a cherry tree. He sat down on the ground and smiled at the three.

Korekiyo glanced at him. "Ah, you are finally here."

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, sorry for the long wait.. Had to take care of something."

"Like what?" Kokichi asked, being curious.

"Like getting away from a large group of people to get to my locker." Sakura said, opening up his bento.

"I see. Must've been difficult huh?" Kokichi asked, taking a bite from his food.

"You can say that again." Sakura said, starting to eat his food. He then caught a scent of honey and a mixed of lavender near. He looked around but saw nobody close to him. 'Where is that scent coming from..?' Sakura continued to look and felt a finger hit his shoulder. He squeaked out of surprised and looked at who touched him.

"S-sorry! Didn't mean too!" It was Shuichi Saihara, his other friend.

Sakura relaxed and smiled. "It's fine Saihara-Chan."

Shuichi sighed in relief and sat down next to him. "Hey guys!" Shuichi was the alpha in the group. He always make sure we were safe, besides Korekiyo who was also an alpha, but Shuichi was normally in charged.

"Hey Saihara-Chan." Kokichi said, smiling.

Ryoma nodded and continued to eat his food.

"Good day Saihara-Chan." Korekiyo said, seeming like he was smiling, but you couldn't tell by the mask he was wearing.

Shuichi smiled at everyone and glanced at Sakura.

•Shuichi's POV•

Shuichi couldn't stop staring at Sakura. To tell the truth, he always had a crush on the sweet boy since he started to date that Momota jerk. A hint of blush formed on his cheeks.

Sakura looked at him. "Saihara-Chan? You are looking a bit red."

Shuichi got out of his fantasies and looked at Sakura. "Ah um, I must be running a fever. Haha.." He lied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, well I hope you feel better." Sakura said and went back to eating his food.

Shuichi smiled heart warming and sighed happily. He wanted to touch Sakura's hand, covered him with his scent, and.. He stop his thinking when he caught a whiffed of Kaito's scent. He looked to his right and saw Kaito walking over.

Sakura seemed to noticed and didn't looked at Kaito. He just looked at the ground.

"Ah! Sa Sa! Long time no see." Kaito said, smiling brightly.

"I don't like that nickname anymore Momota-kun.." Sakura mumbled, rubbing his arms.

"Aww, but I like calling you that. It suits you." Kaito glanced at Shuichi and narrowed his eyes. He then sat beside Sakura on the other side and hugged him. "I missed doing this.."

"H-hey." Kokichi spoke up. "Leave Takahashi-kun a-alone.. He looks u-uncomfortable.."

Kaito glared at Kokichi. "And why would I listen to an omega like you? He used to be mine so back off."

Kokichi yelped and looked away.

"You know.. That is no way to speak to an omega.." Shuichi said, narrowing his eyes at Kaito.

Kaito looked at him. "Whatever.. They should listen to their alpha's. Right Sa Sa?" He asked, cupping one side of Sakura's cheek with his hand.

Sakura closed his eyes tightly and looked away, getting away from his touch.

Kaito growled quietly and saw Shuichi and Korekiyo glaring at him. He quickly nuzzled Sakura and got up. "I should be leaving. See you later Sa Sa." He waved goodbye and walked away.

Sakura didn't say anything and hugged himself. He was shaking terribly.

Korekiyo went to him and rubbed the top of his head. "It's ok.. We will do something about him.."

Sakura nodded a little and gathered his food up. "I'm going to put my food up.."

"I will c-come with." Kokichi said, walking to him.

"And I will to." Ryoma said, standing close to Sakura.

Sakura smiled a bit and started to walk inside the school with his two friends.

Shuichi sighed heavily and crossed his arms. He wanted Kaito out of the picture. He wanted Sakura to be his lover. He didn't like Kaito making Sakura uncomfortable everyday when he came over during class or lunch or even when they leave school. He clenched his fists and growled. 'I will do anything if it came to Sakura.'

"Sh... Shu... Shuichi..?!"

Shuichi blinked and saw Korekiyo yelling at him. He chuckled nervously. "Ah! Sorry!"

Korekiyo shook his head. "It's ok but what are we going to do about Momota-kun?"

Shuichi started to think. "Well, best option is to keep a close eye on him. Therefore he would know we are watching him."

"I like it. Good plan." Korekiyo said.

Shuichi grinned and put his hands on his hips. 'This will probably get me closer to Sakura. Maybe..' Je thought to himself.

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