Chapter 11

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3rd Person POV

Jonathan Byers is not someone who normally causes trouble. He is the quiet type, pretty much keeps to himself. His boyfriends and girlfriend usually help him out of his shell. 

When he does get in trouble, it's because Nancy led him there. Now don't get it wrong, Jonathan loves his relationship and the people who are in it with him. But sometimes it gets frustrating. 

Remember when "Jonathan doesn't get in trouble" was mentioned? Well that's because Nancy is usually in trouble. 

That's right! Some days it's just Nancy this and Nancy that. 

Jonathan knows that the other three aren't intentionally ignoring him. He's quiet! Plus, he isn't a troublemaker, nor an attention seeker. He would rather just......exist. 

He didn't require too much attention, but he would at least like for them to fawn over him a little. 

He also knows that they aren't treating him like Joyce did before, but sometimes it is easy to fall though the cracks when the attention is always pulled elsewhere. 

Today was no different. It was Friday morning and as usual, Steve and Billy were busy trying to wrangle Nancy from bed, then Nancy didn't want scrambled eggs, she wanted it sunny side up. After that, Nancy couldn't find her school bag, and when they finally found it, they realized her homework wasn't in there because she "forgot" to do it when she threw a tantrum the night before because it was Nancy's turn to pick the movie. 

While this was happening, Jonathan hovered in the background, just watching the chaos that was his lovers. 

He got himself ready for school and ate his eggs quietly, relishing in the little comfort he got when Billy ruffled his hair while passing by the table on the way to find Nancy's favorite scrunchie. 

Soon enough the quad was on their way to school. At least in the car all the attention wasn't on Nancy. 

Steve said "Jon, you've been quiet all morning" and Jonathan could only shrug and say "Not much to say"

But the others were used to this type of response so, they left it alone. 

Then Nancy started prattling on about how she loved her new dress and she couldn't wait to find the perfect nail polish for it. 

Jonathan sighed. Typical. 

The quad walked to their lockers which were conveniently near each other. Jonathan could only stand at his locker and watch the social butterfly that is Nancy. 

As this was happening, he felt something in his stomach. A bubbly, uncomfortable feeling that he only felt while watching the trio. 

The trio that should be a quad. 

Why couldn't his doms treat him the same? 

Then, it clicked! Nancy gets all this attention because she goes for it. She doesn't sit in the background waiting for one of them to notice her. No, she goes to them!

And that's what he did! He mustered up the courage to walk over to where his boyfriends and girlfriend stood. He gave a shy smile and said "Hey! What are we talking about?" Only for the other three to absentmindedly give him a half smile and a short reply. 

Jonathan physically deflated at this. 

He realized that they didn't notice him because, well, he didn't make a spectacle of himself like Nancy frequently did. 

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan left the trio and just walked away. 

Why bother sticking around when he was constantly being neglected. Well, good thing he knew how to get their attention. 

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