Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

Friday and Saturday nights are the nights where all the teenagers in Hawkins like to go out with friends and party!

It seemed as though there were parties every week! This weekend was no exception as Johnathan, Steve, Nancy, and Billy were all invited to Sherry Pollis' birthday party on that Friday night!

After much begging from a certain female in that relationship, the quad decided to go to the party.

This is where we find the foursome. At Steve's house, getting ready for the party.

"Johnathan! Get in the shower! Nancy, put on your clothes! I'm not gonna tell you again!"

The Harrington house was in chaos as they were all running around, trying to get out the house anytime soon!

Of course, Billy was finished before any of them, calmly sitting on the couch, waiting for his boyfriends and girlfriend to finish.

He was going through a magazine when he saw Nancy quickly walking away out of the corner of his eye.

He called out "Nancy! What are you doing?!" She tried to keep walking but Billy was just a step faster and grabbed her shoulder to turn her around.

What he saw made his eyes bug out of his head. Nancy was indeed wearing clothes, but nothing was left to the imagination. Short skirt, stomach half out, fishnets, ribbons, the whole lot. (AN: As the author, I do not judge anyone based on what they're wearing nor do I frown on such outfits)

His eyes narrowed and he said "Nancy! What are you wearing! You are in a relationship! You have three boyfriends that love you, so why are you wearing this....this see though cloth!?

Now it was Nancy's turn to furrow her eyebrows and he said "I like this outfit! It makes me feel pretty!"

Billy has angry eyes now and says "You don't look nice! You look cheap! Like a hoochie mama! So go change!"

Instead of getting angry like she should be, Nancy crossed her arms and said "No!"

Billy crossed his arms and said "Yes. Go. Now!"

She stared Billy down until he uncrossed his arms, pointed in the direction of the bedrooms and said "Go change right now, young lady!"

Young lady! Who is he!? His father?! Hell no! Where did that come from!

Nonetheless, Nancy stomped her way to the bedrooms where she passed a completely dressed Johnathan and Steve who promptly smacked her butt for stomping. She turned to glare at him before continuing to "her" room.

Steve asked Billy what happened and Billy retold the happenings.

Steve frowned and asked "Why would she dress so.....suggestively"?

Billy just shook his head at her. Nancy doesn't need attention from anyone else. What was she doing? 

Steve turned to Johnathan and said "Why don't we go to the kitchen and fix everyone a quick snack before we leave." And Jonathan being the most peaceful, just went with him. He knew Nancy would find herself in trouble and he didn't want any part of it. 

Billy was thinking the same thing, which is why he decided to just sit down and wait to see what she would come down in next. 

And Nancy surely didn't disappoint. She came traipsing into the room dressed in something that could only be described as a leotard, just a leotard. 

Billy's jaw one again dropped. With anger in his eyes, he said "Nancy! Do we need to have a conversation about appropriate clothing? Where did you even get this? We always go shopping with you!"

Nancy smirked and only said "Let's get to that party" 

She tried to walk to the door, but Billy blocked her path and crossed his arms. Nancy stomped her foot and yelled "What is wrong with my clothes?! I like them and you can't tell me what to do!" in her most bratty tone. 

In one swift motion, he pulled Nancy over his lap and spanked her. 

Between the "ow"s she was yelling, Billy said "This wouldn't hurt so much if your butt was properly covered!" 

His hand covered her entire butt so she got no mercy as his hand came down, slapping her naughty butt over and over again. 

He lectured "Young lady, I am your dominant! That means I make the rules and I CAN tell you what to do! I don't know where this attitude came from, but it needs to stop! You are to wear appropriate clothing at ALL times."

After 50 smacks he sat her on his lap and he said "You can wear appropriate clothes and still feel pretty, you're only 16, you don't need to be dressing like that, ever!"

He gave her a tight hug and Nancy said "I'm sorry I had an attitude and yelled at you Billy." Between sniffles, they continued to hug and he quickly accepted her apology, stating that the punishment was over. 

Steve and Johnathan, having given them their privacy, joined them on the couch and the four of them cuddled on the couch.

Needless to say, they never made it to the party.

AN: Extremely weak chapter, I know! I'm so sorry!!!

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