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Gulf was nervous, this was the first big catwalk in which he participated and he was very afraid of tripping and falling in front of all the people.
Mangel was there to support her but felt that it was not enough yet. Trying to calm down as he took deep breaths, he smiled when it was his turn to leave.
He walked with his head held high, when he reached the end of the catwalk he was stunned for a few seconds when he saw Mew in the front row, dressed in a suit without a tie and a flirtatious smile.
The singer winked at him and gave him one of his best smiles, Gulf smiled back, then turned and went back to putting on another outfit.
He didn't want to admit it but that Mew was there made him very happy and gave him the confidence to be able to shine on stage.

The runway turned out to be a great success and Gulf was very happy. At this moment the black-haired man was in his dressing room changing to leave when someone knocked on the door.
He went to open it and smiled in surprise when a giant bouquet of sunflowers with roses and daisies appeared in front of him.

-Congratulations, fourth-grade model- Mew says, extending the bouquet of flowers -You did great-

Gulf feels how he blushes up to his ears and takes the bouquet with his hands a little shaking -Tha...thank you Mew- look at the flowers for a moment and then look at Mew a little confused -You said you wouldn't come-

-Yes well...- Mew brushes a piece of hair from his forehead -This is important to you and well... I was being selfish and spoiled, it wasn't fair and it wasn't as boring as I thought- he smiles

Gulf smiles pleased -Thanks for coming and for the flowers, I love them, they are beautiful-

-Not as much as you- Mew winks -Take your things, we'll go to Arnold's-

-I can't eat that-

-Once a month it won't hurt you- insists the singer -Also, if you want to burn calories, you can wear your glitter crop top to dance for me in my apartment-

Gulf hits him on the arm -I'm not gonna dance you, putain-

-Don't insult me in French, I'm going to get tough- Mew bites her lower lip

-You're a damn pervert!- says Gulf, scandalized
-You need to fuck fast-

-Well, tomorrow I want you naked on my bed baby-

-Not with me, idiot- Gulf grabs his backpack and hangs it on his shoulder -Let's go to Arnold's-

Mew takes her backpack off to hang it on her shoulder -Come on honey-

Gulf was walking towards the door, Mew takes advantage and slaps him, the black-haired man turns and kicks him in the leg.

Mew looks confused at Gulf, who was just absentmindedly playing with the salad.

-You are not going to eat?-

-I'm hungry...- says Gulf without spirits

-Then you wouldn't have asked for anything, fourth-class model-

Gulf raises his head a little, Mew was surprised and at the same time scared to see that a tear fell from his cheek.


The model quickly wipes his cheek and gets up from the table -I'm going to the bathroom-

Mew was a bit confused by what had just happened, I look around and notice that some girls were looking at him, the singer just got up from the table and went to the bathroom. It didn't take long for him to find him as he heard some sobs, making his heart clench.

-Gulf...- Mew says knocking on the door -Sorry if I made you feel bad, it was not my intention-

And the truth is that the singer still didn't understand, he always called Gulf a "fourth grade singer" and it didn't seem to bother him... What change?

Famoso y él - MewGulfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora