Chapter 4

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As soon as Isobell opened the door, all she saw was Marcie's array of curly hair rushing towards her before she was enveloped in a warm consuming hug.


Isobell awoke in her darkened bedroom, for a few moments her vision swam as she tried to remember how she got here.

Marcie must have put her to bed after she fell asleep crying. Sure enough as Isobell checked the living room, Marcie was camped out on the sofa bed. Laughing slightly at the line of drool pooling from her friends mouth Isobell shut her bedroom door, and retreated back to bed.

Sleep didn't come so easily this time, the first few lulling moments of dream would show her faceless but non the less covered in only a towel.

It was self torture that Isobell couldn't keep from doing, not only was Marcus content with ruining her thoughts, but now he seemed intent of invading her dreams.

With a sigh Isobell pushed her self up from her bed, pulling the quilt with her, and sat at her window chair. It was the only place in her apartment that afforded a good view of the city.

She watched with glassy eyes the goings on in the city below, at least this was one constant she could rely on.


Archie slammed down his 8fth shot of tequila; he could feel the liquid effusing itself into his veins, creating a warming sensation. Swaying slightly he looked around the bar looking for someone suitable.

There… by the toilets she stood. Long blond hair, and generously endowed.

Perfect, Archie thought. Catching his eye, the blonde smiled seductively, licking her lips as if ready to devour him.

Hopping off his stool, he weaved his way through the crowd, still maintaining eye contact with her. His hands glided to her hips as he found her.

"I saw you staring."

"I know." Replied Archie before he swooped in for a kiss.

Archie couldn't tell whether it was from the alcohol or the kiss, but he was on a high. He pushed the blond further up the wall, as his hand began to explore her body. She moaned loudly not caring that they were in public place.

The loudness of her moan caused Archie to withdraw a bit, coming to his senses. Both of them were breathing heavily, looking at her properly he saw that she was no-where near as beautiful as he originally thought.

She was just… Fake.

Pulling him through the crowd she led Archie outside and hailed them a cab. In the back seat she crawled all-over him, kissing, grabbing and moaning. Archie tried to pull away from the contact at first, a sudden conscience beginning to cry out, before finally succumbing to her touches….wanting just to forget.

Stumbling into her apartment, she managed to flick on the light before they tumbled over onto the couch, still pawing at one another.

Smiling she introduced herself, "I'm Kandi."

Barking out a laugh Archie replied, "Of course you are," right before he lost himself in the dark pleasures of the night to keep his pain at bay.

Lurching into his apartment in the early hours of the next morning Archie groaned at the headache pounding away. He had awoken to Kandi being splayed across him; it had taken patience and skill to get away without waking her up.

Archie held onto the wall for support as he made his way into the kitchen to get some pain relief. He located the paracetamol automatically, and threw a couple down his throat, taking a long drink of water afterwards. The door of the fridge shut after he had replaced the bottle of water, and her number came into view.

All of a sudden she was all he could think about, the pain of what had happened to her. He felt dirty and disgusting for what he had done last night, bile rose the back of his throat, and he made a run for the toilet to throw the contents of his stomach up. Rolling back on his heels afterwards, Archie managed to push himself into the shower before collapsing back into bed.

His last thought was that he had to call that girl back today.

A/N Happy Christmas! Be merry and review?

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