Chapter 5

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Isobell knew she looked terrible; her hair was scraped back and greasy, after not having the energy or the want to do something with it. No makeup either, for the same reason. Even her walk to work did nothing to infuse colour into her cheeks.

She had watched the sun rise that morning, unable to get any more sleep. Her bed looked like it had been ripped apart. Dreams of walking into her boyfriends apartment kept on playing, getting more and more graphic and Marcus more and more unrepentant every time.

The stress of having very little sleep and the events of the previous day had made her feel sick; culminating in Isobell throwing up her breakfast after Marcie had insisted she eat something.

Now she was dragging herself to work, not wanting to indulge in self-pity all day, Isobell wanted to be stronger than that. Despite the fact she knew there was a possibility of running into Marcus. Or knowing Marcus and the way he spoke to her last night, she knew it was a sure thing.

No more than a few seconds after slumping into her chair at her desk, her phone rang.

"Whatever he says, whatever he does, don't you dare speak to him or see him, please Issy, you know it's for your own good."

Marcie… Isobell sighed. She had already had this lecture this morning as she got ready for work, and with the migraine beginning to form at her temples, she didn't really need to hear it again. Despite knowing it was only because her friend cared for her.

"I know Marcie, I promise I won't, I… I just need to get through today, and then it's the weekend."

"That's the spirit! I'm going to go out and stock your fridge for you, so you don't even have to leave your flat darling. I won't be able to see you on Saturday, as I've got a hot date, but I'll be round all Sunday for you."

Isobell laughed at her friend's use of 'Hot Date'.

"Okay, who is she then?"

"Oh just a girl who came looking round my studio the other day, we got along great, so I chanced it." Isobell could picture the goofy grin of her friends face.

Isobell had been the first person Marcie had come out to, it was part of the reason why their friendship was so strong, they trusted one another with everything.

"Okay, well have a good time, I'll want to hear about it on Sunday, I'll speak to you later."

"Bye Issy."

Setting the phone down, Isobell attempted to do work.


Lunch time eventually came around, Isobell was thankful, despite not wanting to eat she needed to get out of this office, she was beginning to get paranoid, it felt as though everyone was watching her as if they knew what had happened.

Looking up towards the doors, her breath caught as she saw Marcus walking through, making a beeline for her.

Flustered, Isobell looked around hoping to find some kind of escape route, but she knew it was futile, the only way out, was the only way in.

Marcus had a pleading smile on his face as he asked to take her out for lunch.

"Please Issy, I just want to talk, no pressure, please."

After chewing on her lip for a few seconds, a habit of hers when thinking over things, Isobell eventually relented.

"Okay," she replied in a small voice.

They walked in silence until reaching a small Italian bistro, a favourite of Isobell's for their pasta.

Sitting down, the tension was palpable, Isobell wanting to keep her vision on anything but Marcus.

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