Chapter 8

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Archie couldn't explain it, but he felt a huge sense of relief to find hat she had told her ex to 'go fuck himself' in very literal terms. Halfway during the second part of the phone call he realised that he was reverting to his flirt mode. However she either didn't pick up on it and was blissfully unaware, or she didn't mind his flirting. Either answer scared him, as either answer would mean different things for their relationship. So in defence he tried to reign himself in, but to no avail, he couldn't help but be that way with her, it felt natural and right.

When she had mentioned that she had walked past a film premier his heart skipped an odd beat. He could have been within a few feet of her, and wouldn't have even known her. It suddenly brought a whole new reality to their relationship, if that's even what he could call it. In the brief time he had been speaking to her he hadn't ever considered her in flesh and blood, not in the normal way you would perceive in a normal friendship anyway. The thought panicked him slightly.

Then he remembered the girl stood there watching him, his breath hitched slightly as he remembered the streaked makeup, and the almost ethereal look of sorrow on her face. But try as he might, he couldn't remember having seen anything so beautiful for such a long time.

Breaking out of his personal reverie, Archie shifted into a more comfortable position on the couch, still cradling the phone between his cheek and shoulder.

"So what's your favourite film? Clichéd question I know to ask an actor, but I want to know."

"That's a hard one…" He mumbled as he tried to rapidly think what it could possibly be, "I suppose it would…"

A shadow fell across Archie, and upon looking up he looked straight into the eyes of someone who made his blood run cold.

"Hello Archie darling."

Almost dropping the phone he managed to stumble out a reply down the line, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on her. Throwing down the phone he simply stared at her for a few moments to make sure she was real. Her spectre had often tricked him in the middle of the night, but she hadn't appeared in so long he thought she was never coming back.

His stare unnerved her; she wasn't quite sure what to make of it, it was almost otherworldly but with a sense of defiance about it. But ultimately she decided that trying immediately to slip back into old ways would be best, after all distance makes the heart grow fonder. Stepping forward she ran a hand down his chest. Archie physically convulsed at he touch and immediately stepped away, an action to which she pouted at.

"Archie, aren't you glad to see me?"

"What are you doing her?" He asked unemotionally, desperately trying to think of an exit strategy whilst trying not to allow her to smell his fear of her presence.

She pouted once more with those rich full apple lips Archie could never take his eyes off, but they now took on a cruel edge that repelled him. Stepping forward she tried again.

"Archie, baby, what makes you think that I am here for some ulterior motive other than to see you?" she cooed at him.

But once again Archie stepped out of her reach, and turned his back on her as he went over to his side cabinet and proceeded to pour himself a drink. His demons had arisen at the sight of her, and were now begging to be let out and play. He took one gulp of the brown liquid and gurned slightly at the taste and sensation it caused down the back of his throat, before he looked back at her.

"Because I know you Helena, you haven't spoken to me for two years, so why now?"

Archie looked at her steadily as he knew she was trying to come up with a plausible reason as to why she was here. He had to get her out of here; he knew it wouldn't be long before he succumbed to her again, despite the cruelness he knew her to be more than capable of. In fact he couldn't recall a time when she didn't painfully taunt him in some way. He knew Helena enjoyed the power she held over the great Hollywood heartthrob Archie Heldom, and that she had no intentions of giving it up, even if she hadn't seen him in two years.

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