Quinn and Alexi Darby

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Name: Quinn Kayli Darby

Nickname(s): Q, QK

Age: depends on rp but usually 16-18

Sexuality: Demisexual

Species: elemental human

Appearance: real life-

(She stands about 5'6 and he's one green eye one grey eye)

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(She stands about 5'6 and he's one green eye one grey eye)

Personality: Quinn can be a bit blunt but she's a sweet hearted girl, she doesn't mean to be rude but she doesn't wish to have anyone harmed. She may act cold and distant to some people but once you're close with her she'll forever be close to you and if you break the bond she may up and vanish from your life. She can be hot headed sometimes too and will do anything to protect people even if it means getting herself into harms way.

Likes: Quinn likes art, peaceful things, sleeping, music and people close to her along with her occasional soft spots for cute things.

Dislikes: watching anything happen to people she cares about and having to work, won't stand seeing the worst happen to people.

Fear(s): Atelophobia- the fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough
                 Agliophobia- the fear of being hurt
                  Thantophobia- the fear of losing someone you love

Piercing(s): right- double lobe piercing
                       left- single lobe piercing helix

Scars: a small one on the side of her ring finger from a surgery she had

Tattoos: none

Backstory: Quinn has an older brother named Alexi. They've been best friends since birth and practically inseparable for years. A lot happened between their parents when they discovered they both had elemental powers, one went one way and the other went the other. Although Quinn lives with her brother she doesn't talk to her brother or about him at all. And she considers to keep her dark past a secret. Her parents were ashamed of her and her brother having powers and forced them to hide them and be normal. However she was originally supposed to be used in a gang to get rid of people but her parents rushed her away from the situation.

Other: Quinn has laid back elemental powers, she's a nature elemental meaning she just controls plants and a few animals though she's not completely used to using her powers around others.

Name: Alexi Quincy Darby

Nickname(s): Alex, A, AD,AQ

Age: depends on rp, usually 17-18

Sexuality: Pan

Appearance: (yes yes River Perkins is the face claim)
Rea life-

Personality: Alexi, he's quiet yet loud, he's not afraid of meeting new people and he'll protect defenseless people only after seeing they can't do anything themselves

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Personality: Alexi, he's quiet yet loud, he's not afraid of meeting new people and he'll protect defenseless people only after seeing they can't do anything themselves. He's nice for a certain amount of time until he just doesn't care anymore. Though he is a super caring guy, he would rather not get himself all beat up trying to help people but he'll do what he has to do. His personality seems to be different from person to person too.

Likes: Alexi likes night, his type of people, and all around random things he wouldn't seem to like.

Dislikes: Watching Anything happen to people he cares about, having to work. Alexi dislikes not a whole lot of things but he won't admit to disliking anything though he does say he doesn't prefer it.

Fear(s): Dystychiphobia- the fear of hurting someone
                 Pistanthrophobia- the fear of trusting people due to past experiences
                 Trypanophobe- fear of injections

Piercing(s): a single lobe piercing

Scars: he has a few on his shoulders from random fights

Tattoos: he only has one, a small snake on his arm that wraps around

Backstory: Alexi has a younger sister  named Quinn. They've been best friends since birth and practically inseparable for years. A lot happened between their parents when they discovered they both had elemental powers, one went one way and the other went the other. Although Alexi lives with his sister he doesn't talk to her or about her at all. And he considers to keep her dark past a secret. His parents were ashamed of him and his sister having powers and forced them to hide them and be normal. However he  was originally supposed to be used in a gang to get rid of people but his parents rushed her away from the situation.

Other: Alexi is a chaotic fire elemental

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