chapter two

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yelena had been apart of the mafia for awhile now and you knew the consequences of dating her but still stuck around. she knew she had to protect you from anyone and she'd do anything for you.  

"y/n get up we have to go" yelena said shaking you out of your sleep. "yelena it's 3am what is it?" "they found out our location we have to go." "OH SHIT."

you quickly packed your bags as instructed ran out the door getting into yelenas car. she drove over the speed limit hoping to get away from the police who we're chasing after you.

she parked the car at an abandoned building and told you to get out quickly. you did as she said and the two of you ran to the city hoping to get lost in the crowd. it was pretty busy considering it was 3am.

you ran inside a hotel it had to be at least 25 stories tall. "come on y/n we don't have time for this." she yanked your hand and dragged you into the building.yelena made a reservation to the hotel so y'all could stay the night

you grabbed your bag and followed her into the elevator. "yelena that hurt when you grabbed me." "i'm sorry darling but we need to hide here before they find us."

finding your room was no problem, you were a nervous wreck knowing what could happen if you were caught. once you opened your room your jaw dropped- it was grand. "yelena how were you even able to afford this?!" "well you see this might be our last night together might as well make it count."

yelena pushed you on the bed, she was now hovering above you proving her dominance. she slowly started to kiss your neck, chills ran down your spine. "do you really want to do this?" you nodded your head while she took off your shirt, slowly took off your pants revealing your bra and nike shorts. yelena slowing kissing down to your inner thighs.

suddenly there was a knock at the door "OPEN THE DOOR NOW WE KNOW YOUR IN THERE YELENA!" "shit. how'd they know we were here, quick out here." she pointed to the balcony which had a staircase leading to the balcony.

you both climbed up to the roof to avoid them and have time to think of a plan. "oh shit this is bad y/n what the hell are we supposed to do we have no where to run." you've never heard her speak shakily.

this was knew what you had to do

you grabbed yelenas hand "do you trust me?" "WHAT?" "do you trust me?" she looked at you blankly not knowing what to do or say. "of course i do don't tell me your gonna-"

she was cut off by a helicopter flying above y'all. yelena looked into your eyes, tears started forming knowing the only solution.

"THIS IS THE POLICE TURN YOURSELF IN OR ELSE WE WILL HAVE TO USE BRUTAL FORCE!" the two of you walked over to the edge of the building holding hands.

"you ready?" "yes darling." yelena hugged you as tight as she could giving you a forehead kiss for the last time.

you felt yelena fall backwards you held on to her for dear life. the tears kept forming knowing this was your last moment together. "y/n i love you." "i love you too yelena."

a shock went through your entire body....this was it....

the end

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