06 • Wrapped Around Your Finger

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"EMILY! Wake up!"

I groaned. Why was Mom waking me up early on a weekend? It was the weekend, for God's sake. I checked my phone, looking at the date. I mean, seriously. Couldn't we just have a little —

7:40 AM. Monday. August 9, 2010.

See? Mom was — 


I jumped from my bed, almost tripping over. I did what I only had time to do in ten minutes —washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, shoved some books into my bag, and finally putting my hair up into a ponytail. From the way my brown eyes looked on the mirror —dazed and accompanied by eye bags the size of Florida — it was obvious that I didn't get much sleep.

Hurrying down the steps, I passed Mom and gave a quick kiss on her cheek. "Bye!"

"What about breakfast?" she asked, concerned.

"It's fine, I'll go grab something in school."

I opened the front door, ready to sprint to the nearest bus stop. But there was something blocking my way.


"Good morning," Oliver greeted me with a flashing smile.

I squinted and covered my eyes. "What are you doing here? I'm going to be late!"

"Don't you mean we?"


He rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Woods, I don't know how you get through life without me. Didn't you know we go to the same school now?"

Oh, please no.

"You're kidding," I said, half a statement and half a question.

"Nope," he answered cheerfully. "Cromwell High, right? I thought you knew. We talked about it during the dinner, remember?"

I think I remembered Mom asking them about school, but I wasn't paying attention. I was only paying attention to one Thing, as you remember.

"Well then," I sighed, regretting what I was about to say next. "We better get going."

His entire face brightened. "Words I never thought you would say, Woods. Tom, let's go!"

Tom? Was he going to my school, too? 

Great. Two Grants.

After we waited for Tom, the three of us ran to the outer parts of the neighbourhood, just in time for the school bus. I was in-between breathing and panting by the time we made it. The driver gave us icy glares, and while I looked down and apologised, Oliver just grinned at him without fault. Then, just as I sat down on an empty seat, Oliver took his chance and came to sit beside me. I grunted.

"You need to learn some manners, Woods."

Something told me this day wasn't going to get any better.


"Late on your first day, huh? Not the Emily I used to know and love."

Sincerely, Emily ✓Where stories live. Discover now