10 • How To Fall In Baseball

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I've had trouble sleeping these days. 

I find myself awakened just because of the twitches. They're like a never-ending punishment. And even if the twitches were gone, I still wouldn't get my peace yet. There's just so much to think about. So much to worry about.

Oh, God. Why am I being such a wimp? I shouldn't have complained about all that when you're. . . well, yeah. I don't need to say it.

Anyway, Mom's calling for me, so I better get going. Don't do anything crazy.

 Don't do anything crazy

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"He doesn't talk very much, does he?" Mom asked in a hushed tone.

Mom and I were standing in front of the Grants' front doorsteps, waiting for someone to open it. Tom had been sitting near the front porch, weirdly enough. He never got out of his room unless it was necessary, which was why I guessed Mrs. Grant "kicked him out" again. He was beating his head down back on forth while listening to his music on his phone, which was normal, but what made me did a double take was that he was also holding a book — Pride and Prejudice. So he listened to punk rock and read classical novels? 

Just when I thought I already figured him out, he proved me that I wasn't even close.

"He's just very selective on who he associates with," I answered cautiously.

"I can hear you," Tom said, poker-faced. Whoops.

The reason why we were here was because we had "gifts" to give to his family. I didn't understand why. Mom wasn't that type of person. She didn't even buy me a gift on my birthday and she didn't buy gifts to her friends' birthdays or for any other event. She once said to me that a gift didn't define how big your love for that person was. According to her, gifts could be a mask — a lie.

So, why buy a gift now? What was so special about the Grants?

Tom simply stared at us when we told him about the gifts. Few seconds later, he stood up, went inside the house and went back out, muttering, "she's on her way." I assumed "her" was Mrs. Grant, but I didn't ask any further, since he was clearly showing off his own Do Not Disturb sign as he sat back down and plugged his earphones back.

Maybe he noticed I was still staring at him, because he looked up and glared. "What?"


Sincerely, Emily ✓Where stories live. Discover now