20 • Please

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IT ALL STARTED when I was in Mrs. Melrose's house.

Me, Oliver, Tom and a couple of other kids were sitting in a circle, in her living room with her at the head of it.

I didn't even know how I got dragged into this.

"Okay, kids!" Did she not notice Oliver and I were, not at all, kids? "I try to do this every month, as my family is one of the founding members of the Neighbourhood Watch here." Okay, like that made much more sense. "We arrange a playdate session for all of the kids, but apparently you're the only ones here at the moment. . ."

I looked around our tiny little circle. No one looked happy to be here.

"You are all aware of what these playdate sessions are for. It's to make sure every kid isn't having any problems. We want Mayfair to be a safe, fun neighbourhood, and that includes the kids being happy with their lives. So, let's talk about feelings."

If I heard wrong, Tommy grunted and muttered an inappropriate word. I would've, too, but then, a) it would be heard by everybody else, and b) there were kids. Obviously. And saying it in a stoic robotic voice just didn't seem acceptable.

"Who would like to start?" Mrs. Melrose continued. Leelah's hand shot up. "Ah, good!" Mrs. Melrose leaned in. "Tell us, Leelah. How are you feeling?"

"Mommy keeps scolding me because I like video games and hang out with boys a lot," she said with a pout. "She says I need to be like a girl. But I am a girl!" Then she gestured to her, uh. . . lady parts.

Tom coughed and mumbled that he needed to go to the bathroom. The other kids looked mortified. Oliver just kept on laughing.

"Put your hands down, Leelah," Mrs. Melrose warned. "We know you're a girl, honey. Your mommy just doesn't like it when you're not acting like one." Leelah was on the verge of crying, but Mrs. Melrose held up a hand. "Don't let her win. You can be whoever you want, dear. You're still young and full of choices. You don't have to be someone else that you're not."

Leelah broke out into a grin even though the tears were already streaming down her face. She wiped them off, hiccuped, and said, "You're awesome, Mrs. M-Melrose."

The older woman smiled softly. "Thank you, Leelah. Who's next?"

At first, I didn't realize it. I thought it was just me overreacting. But then I realized they were staring at me; Tom had just came back and he was staring at me, too.

I moved my head just slightly — the movement was already taking up so much strength — and saw what was happening. Oliver was pointing at me.

"Emily? Do you want to share anything?"

I will kill Oliver. He returned my infuriated stare with a relaxed grin.

But then again, did I want to? I could tell them how I was feeling these past few months, but that would require me telling them why. . .

Six months ago, I would've stayed silent. I would've said no. But things had changed. The circumstances had changed.

And most importantly, I had changed.

"YES." The robotic voice said with its flat-out voice. "I WANT TO SHARE SOMETHING." 


My big revelation kind of stirred things up in the neighbourhood.

Sincerely, Emily ✓Where stories live. Discover now