The Start

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So before we start, I do not mean to bash any regions at all! This is all for the plot of the story! As you can tell... Demon Deku won with the most votes along with the BakuDeku ship... so let's get into it!! 😈 i also changed the story line a little bit from what I put in the description of Suggestions! Hope you guys don't mind! Also this chapter is more like the back story of everything so it's not that long, I did change a few peoples attitudes and such, Bakugo being one of them due to wanting this to be a BakuDeku 👀🍵 and if you see spelling errors, we don't know what those are 👀

Long ago there was a time where it was Demons and angels who walked the earth, God and Lucifer were always going after each other. Things got worse when the humans came onto the earth, making angels and demons go back to where they belong. Years and years of revolution between humans, animals, and creatures of the earth. A lot of these humans did not believe in a God and those that were not Followers of God, were sent to hell. Lucifer would take them in, he had certain rules for his demons too follow, Lucifer was a caring man, but he could be the most scariest if needed as well. If souls were sent to him because they simply did not believe in a God they were treated kindly, if those who committed crimes, were punished depending on the crime.

Several hundreds of years went by, humans developing more and more, earth was becoming beautiful. More years went by until one day quirks appeared, that's were the world changed. Wars, fights, and riots broke out causing many deaths. Quirked People vs The quirkless battled. Soon after, that is were Heroes started coming around, the percentage of fighting, deaths and crime became lower. People started putting more hope in these heroes than themselves. They would see people on the streets or in worse situations and shrug it off saying that the heroes can deal with them. A couple hundred years later, heroes were everywhere along with villains. The event that changed between Heaven, Hell and Earth was when Gods Sister appeared after finally breaking free of her brother. Lucifer, now known as Hisashi Midoriya fell in love with this women the moment he met her. She quickly fell in love with him but neither would admit it, they played on two different battlefields. That is until a few years went by, the confessed. Couple years later, they got married. A couple years after marriage Inko had gotten pregnant. Word got around to Heaven and angels were going crazy, God himself wanted his niece/nephew dead. Months later Inko gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Izuku Midoriya. As soon as he was out of his mother's womb he had powers, it was hard to do anything with him when he was upset. When he was upset his hand would light on fire, he could use fire how he wanted at full control, shadows would form around him and protect him. They knew he was powerful and his parents along with all demons in hell were worried about this child. Things got more worrisome when he was a few days old and was so happy he would glow a bright pastel green. His parents wondered why it was a pastel green but pushed past it saying that it was due to his eyes, his parents realized that he has more Demon powers than Angel powers. This would lead Izuku to be a for to be reckoned with in the future, they weren't 100% sure on just how powerful their son was as he was only an infant, but deep down Hisashi had an idea of just how strong he really was, and if he was right, he would pray for anyone who stepped at Izuku in the wrong way.

Izuku had straight calmed dark black hair, and beautiful emerald green eyes, which would later change into a huge black and green fluff ball of hair as he gets older, unlike his parents, hell even demons, Izuku didn't bleed regular blood, in fact it would take a lot to make his skin even crack open. If it did, it was hot black lava. His parents didn't understand why, no one did. There was no history of anyone having this. They wanted to keep it a secret. But that didn't work out, somehow word of Izukus power and "blood" had gotten to God himself and he was furious. That's when the war of Angels and Demons started. Hisashi and Inko were horrified when they got the news about a war starting to kill their son. That's when the king of hell and Hisashi talked and decided the safest place for their son, was to be sent to Earth. There Heroes and possibly villains would protect their son. They quickly got items for their son, Inko however wrote a note for her sons new family. Along with a "birth certificate" and his information. They made a bassinet for their son, inside was a baby Izuku wrapped in his favirite fire proof blanket, his black stuffed dragon, an extra outfit, and an envelope that held his birth certificate, the letter Inko had written and under the bedding was $100,000 for them to care for their son and as a thank you for taking him. His parents kissed the top of his head with tears in their eyes as their son had been taken through the portal with their trusted demon to be left on the door step of an acquaintance of Hisashi, Shota Aizawa, underground pro hero EraserHead along with his husband Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic.

This is the story on how Izuku Midoriya becomes the one villains fear most, heroes respect, but most of all fall in love and protecting those he cares about.... along with a lot of naps and badass attitude.

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