First Class

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Emma's POV: So this motorcycle just drove up outta no where and it got me, danny, and andi full of dirt.

Emma:here guys let me help

Daniel and Andi: OK

Emma: we don't we don't want this dirt so make it go far far away.

(Sorry couldn't think of a good spell)

Daniel: thanks em

Emma:no danny are u happy that I have my powers back

Daniel: yah I guess I mean I can't protect u any more but I'll do my best

Emma: here let me take care of that

I need Daniel every hour of the day so let him have powers

Daniel: thanks em but u didn't have to do that

Emma: it's no problem also I don't like seeing u so down

Daniel:oh well I would've been fine but thanks em I love u

Emma:I love u to and just come by my house tonight and I can teach u how to use them OK

Daniel:OK but then u get to take u somewhere

Emma:ok.... andi


Andi:yah I'm sorry it's just that dirt bike (forgot what she said in season 2 ) I didn't think they exsied.

Emma:ok so let's get to class be-

Jax: (the new kid) hey what's your name

Emma: my name is Emma and what's yours


P.s. the picture above is Jax just for anybody who doesn't know

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